Fw: is this project alive?

Samuel Hocevar sam at via.ecp.fr
Fri Oct 13 04:19:23 CEST 2000

On Fri, Oct 13, 2000, CORDING Darryl wrote:

> [darrylc at bugs darrylc]$ vlc /mnt/dvd/video_ts/video_ts.vob
> input error: not a startcode (0x2cfe02 instead of 0x000001)
> Input initialized
> input error: not a startcode (0x2cfe02 instead of 0x000001)
> I'm not sure what the error 'not a startcode' means, it seems to suggest
> that it can not find something to play?

   Yes, it means that the file you gave it didn't have a recognizable
format. This usually happens either when the video file is encrypted,
either when the file isn't a real video file (like a menu file, for
instance). If your DVD is encrypted, you'll have to get css-cat. Or if
the problem was that you weren't feeding the proper files, you can try
the other .vob files, such as vts_01_1.vob.

Samuel Hocevar <sam at via.ecp.fr>                     http://www.via.ecp.fr/~sam/
for DVDs in Linux screw the MPAA and ; do dig $DVDs.z.zoy.org ; done | \
             perl -ne 's/\.//g; print pack("H224",$1) if(/^x([^z]*)/)' | gunzip

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