Video Lan Crashes XServer.

Jeffrey Cobb cdoc2000 at
Thu Dec 13 00:15:12 CET 2001


I've installed Video Lan, gotten it to work.  Switch monitors and kick back on my bed to watch a show.  I fastforward and everything locks up.  I can't get out of KDE, I can't [ctrl-alt-backspace] to login nor can I switch to another terminal and do a proper shutdown.  So... I restart the computer.  Now Xserver won't start so I spend some time with folx on other mailing lists debugging this issue.  Okay, now I know how to restart X after it gets crashed.

So now I need to figure out why VLC is crashing when I try to fast forward it.  I'm assuming it's a program problem.  Maybe compiling with other options will help?

Dunno.. Any ideas?

Jeff Cobb

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