How to turn plugin support off?

Lavallée Marc odradek at
Thu Feb 15 19:38:51 CET 2001

Henri Fallon a écrit :

> Other countries have declared it illegal, 
> but France hasn't.

If I'm not allowed to use decss in my country, I can use vlc as long as
I don't put encypted DVDs in my player and push the start button. I
think that should be explained on vlc's web site since we don't all live
in France. The comment about decss in the TODO list is rather vague. At
least the xine project is clear about decss.

I just realized the vlc project was sponsored by 3Com and Sun. Aren't
they american companies? So financing a project using decss is fine, as
long as it's happening in a foreign university? Others kids, not backed
by country laws, universities and some american companies, are
considered dangerous outlaws? We live in a sick world where getting rid
of poors outsiders is the norm, because we're just expecting them to be
good consumers.


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