FreeBSD and ports vs. vlc

Jacob Frelinger jolly at
Mon Jul 9 17:16:45 CEST 2001

On Mon, 9 Jul 2001, Bjarne Wichmann Petersen wrote:

> On Mon, 9 Jul 2001 10:08:40 -0400 (EDT)
> Jacob Frelinger <jolly at> wrote:
> > make and build as usual.
> Looks similar to the solution Scott Lambert posted. How much improvement
> do one get by adding ppro to the ARCH-line?

not tons, but it is much safer, then -O3, IMHO.

> > i've been quite pleased with vlc's prefomance under FreeBSD.  i just
> > currently with my laptop supported xvideo, as i've been lead to belive
> > its
> > output preformance is much better then x11 and sdl.
> I'm using xvideo as well (gave up on sdl ;)) but i get "a lot" of
> jerkiness (late picture skipped), which puzzles me. My CPU-meter that
> performance lies aroung 60%-70%, so the jerkiness isn't due to lack of
> cpu-power and the dvd-drive is located on the 2nd IDE-port shared with a
> idle cdrom-drive AND dma-active. So that shouldn't be it either. Xine
> doesn't seem to have that problem.

my cpu utilization doesn't get that high, only aobut 60% on a pIII 450.
i found xine pegged my cpu using captain_css patch, but apperntly its very
badly tuned for FreeBSD.  I do get some jerkyness using x11 output, but
using --yuv yuv --overlay helps some, but i do notice the jerkyness is
worse for very active scenes (though that just might be my eye being able
to notice the difference), and twards the end of the movie, which sugests
that throughput from the dvd drive to the cpu is the issue, though i can
get much faster throughput ripping audio cds.  that probably though is an
unfair compairison.

> Sound isn't as good as xine either. Latency/delayed sound and poor
> quality.

i haven't had any sound problems, using the dsp sound module.  though if i
resize the video window, making it significantly smaller, sound gets
faster.  resizing it to around the correct size sets it back to normal.
starting it at a smaller size doesn't have this problem though.

> And then the gnome-interface seems to segfault quite easily! ;)

i haven't had any problems withs the the gnome interface.  or any of the
others for that matter, but i havn't played with them really.

> But all in all, I'm impressed as well looking forward to see where it all
> ends! ;)

i'm very very impressed with it.  i'd like to congradulate the developers
for all thier good work.

Jacob "I'm Brainy For Zombie Pops" Frelinger
Resident Psycho
Jolly at TheCoffinClub dot Com

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