Subtitles cause segfault

Christopher Smith balthshazar at
Wed Jul 25 07:39:08 CEST 2001

Hey all, I'm somewhat of a Linux newbie, so forgive me if I've overlooked 
something fairly obvious.

I got videolan built and running fine, everything seems to work except 
subtitles.  I can switch to a different audio track without a probelem, but 
when I turn on subtitles vlc segfaults within a minute.  Somtimes it happens 
right a way, sometimes it takes a minute or so.  during that time, people 
may speak but no subtitles are displayed.  Also, it doesn't necessarily 
crash when its supposed to display subtitles; it will crash at a point with 
no subtitles, only having them turned on is required.
Also, this penomenon occurs whether I load the dvd and options from the gui 
or from the command line, it doesn't seem to make a difference.

Vlc is quite stable otherwise, I can run it for 2 hours (i.e a whole movie) 
without a problem if there's no subtitles.

Pertinent system info:
Athalon 1000
Nvidia TNT2 Ultra
160megs ram
Slackware 8.0
kernel 2.2.19
XF86 4.1.0
latest kernel and glx drivers from nvidia

Any help would be appreciated
Thank you,

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