Slackware 8 problems

Robert J. Hansen rjhansen at
Mon Jul 30 13:20:23 CEST 2001

Hash: SHA1

Okay, installing VLC on another box--this time a Slack 8 box that's using KDE 
as a desktop environment.  It's also using GCC 3.0, not 2.95.3.  Using the 
0.2.81 source tarball, I configure it with:

./configure --disable-xvideo --disable-sdl --prefix=/usr --enable-qt

(This box, like my other one, has a Voodoo3 card.  Hence, no xvideo and no 
SDL.  X11 only.)

Running make -j 3 runs through without any complaints.  But when I run vlc 
(either with vlc or vlc --intf qt), I get ... well, a whole lot of nothing.

rjhansen at deuteronomy ~/vlc-0.2.81$ ./vlc --intf qt -vv
VideoLAN Client - version 0.2.81 Ourumov - (C)1996-2001 VideoLAN
module: checking built-in modules
module: new builtin module `es', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Elementary Stream input 
module: new builtin module `ps', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Program Stream input module
module: new builtin module `ts', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Transport Stream input 
module: new builtin module `yuv', YUV transformations module
module: new builtin module `idct', IDCT module
module: new builtin module `idctclassic', classic IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motion', motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `imdct', AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix', AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `yuvmmx', MMX YUV transformations module
module: new builtin module `idctmmx', MMX IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmx', MMX motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `idctmmxext', MMX EXT IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmxext', MMX EXT motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `imdct3dn', 3D Now! AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `imdctsse', SSE AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix3dn', 3D Now! AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `downmixsse', SSE AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `dvd', DVD input module, uses libdvdcss
module: new builtin module `dummy', dummy functions module
module: new builtin module `null', the Null module that does nothing
module: new builtin module `rc', remote control interface module
module: checking plugin modules
module: browsing `.'
module: browsing `plugins'
module: browsing `/usr/lib/videolan/vlc'
module: locking module `rc'
intf: interface initialized

... And it wedges right there.  Interestingly, when I try and compile it with 
gcc-2.95.3, it hollers at me about an invalid option of 
`-finline-limit=31337' and refuses to compile.

Anyone have any ideas?
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see


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