YUV acceleration unavilable

Keith Willoughby keith at flat222.org
Fri Mar 2 07:36:25 CET 2001

Hi all,

When I run vlc I get the following :-
vout: YUV acceleration unavailable !
which leaves vlc running at between 13 and 25fps (usuable, but not great)
I just know it's going to be excellent when I get YUV working.

My system - vlc 0.2.62, Linux kernel 2.4.0, SDL version 1.1.8, 
XFree86 version 4.0.1, XVideo module apparently working, nvidia 
GeForce 2 GTS graphics card using the nv driver (not the nvidia one)

Does anyone have any suggestions for things to try to get this
working? I've read the SDL faq, which suggests setting an environment
variable to turn off gamma correction, but this had no effect. Next on
the list is to upgrade to X 4.0.2, but I'd *really* rather not have to do 
this :-)


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