Fw: VideoLAN

Henri Fallon henri at via.ecp.fr
Fri Mar 2 09:46:31 CET 2001

On Fri, Mar 02, 2001, Samuel Hocevar wrote:
>    No Windows DVD player has the networking abilities vlc is going
> to have, which was the very first goal of the project. Plus, it's
> challenging to see how we can compete with commercial players.

I would even say that at the beginning, vlc is NOT a dvd player but a
network MPEG2 decoder. Even if now, it's an excellent DVD player, it's
not it's only role, and the VideoLAN projects counts two more parts, in
order to have a working MPEG2 network solution.

Here, many students run Windows, and even with VideoLAN on a floppy,
don't want to test it. When windows port is done, we may have as many as
1000 testers for our VLAN-channel solution.

All this to say that even if the client team will certainly focus on DVD
or MPEG files player features, VideoLAN remains a whole solution.


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