Problems with DVD "U-571" [long]

Stepan Roh stepan at
Sat Nov 10 19:58:02 CET 2001

I have problems with DVD "U-571" and VLC. DVD is "U-571", region 2, czech
version. VLC is 0.2.90_2001-11-10 (current CVS version). It plays first
two titles (movie itself and maybe "Capturing the U-110"), then it
freezes, DVD drive is doing something and after a minute or so, it
ends. Log (I switched to title 3 after a few seconds of title 1):

intf: playlist initialized
module: checking built-in modules
module: new builtin module `es', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Elementary Stream input module
module: new builtin module `ps', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Program Stream input module
module: new builtin module `ts', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Transport Stream input module
module: new builtin module `yuv', YUV transformations module
module: new builtin module `idct', IDCT module
module: new builtin module `idctclassic', classic IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motion', motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `imdct', AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix', AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `yuvmmx', MMX YUV transformations module
module: new builtin module `idctmmx', MMX IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmx', MMX motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `idctmmxext', MMX EXT IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmxext', MMXEXT motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `imdct3dn', 3D Now! AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix3dn', 3D Now! AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `imdctsse', SSE AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmixsse', SSE AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `dvd', DVD input module, linked with libdvdcss
module: new builtin module `vcd', basic VCD input module
module: new builtin module `dummy', dummy functions module
module: new builtin module `null', the Null module that does nothing
module: new builtin module `rc', remote control interface module
module: new builtin module `xvideo', XVideo extension module
module: checking plugin modules
module: browsing `.'
module: browsing `plugins'
module: browsing `/usr/local/lib/videolan/vlc'
module: new plugin module `dsp', Linux OSS /dev/dsp module
module: new plugin module `sdl', Simple DirectMedia Layer module
module: new plugin module `gtk', Gtk+ interface module
module: new plugin module `x11', X11 module
module: module bank initialized
module: gtk has score 90
module: rc has score 2
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `gtk'
intf: interface initialized
module: hiding unused plugin module `x11'
module: hiding unused plugin module `sdl'
module: hiding unused plugin module `dsp'
intf: added `dvd:/dev/dvd' to playlist
input: playlist item `dvd:/dev/dvd'
module: dummy has score 1
module: vcd has score 5
module: dvd has score 100
module: ts has score 2
module: ps has score 10
module: es has score 5
module: locking module `dvd'
dvd info: netlist initialized
ifo info: vmg initialized
dvd info: number of titles: 7
ifo info: vts 1 initialized
dvd: title 1 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd info: title: 1
    vobstart at: 149065 blocks
    stream size: 2884918 blocks
    number of chapters: 16
    number of angles: 2
dvd info: video
    compression: mpeg-2
    tv system: pal 625/50 Hz
    aspect ratio: 16:9
    display mode: letterboxed
    source res: 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal
    letterboxed: yes
    mode: camera
dvd info: audio 1
    language: English
    mode: ac3
    channel(s): 6
    sampling: 48000 Hz
    appl_mode: not specified
    caption: normal caption
    quantization: drc
    status: 0
dvd info: audio 2
    language: English
    mode: dts
    channel(s): 6
    sampling: 48000 Hz
    appl_mode: not specified
    caption: normal caption
    quantization: drc
    status: 1
dvd warning: DTS audio not handled yet(0x89bd)
dvd info: audio 3
    language: Magyar
    mode: ac3
    channel(s): 6
    sampling: 48000 Hz
    appl_mode: not specified
    caption: normal caption
    quantization: drc
    status: 2
dvd info: audio 4
    language: *Czech(Ceske)
    mode: ac3
    channel(s): 2
    sampling: 48000 Hz
    appl_mode: not specified
    caption: normal caption
    quantization: drc
    status: 3
dvd info: audio 5
    language: English
    mode: ac3
    channel(s): 2
    sampling: 48000 Hz
    appl_mode: not specified
    caption: directors comments
    quantization: drc
    status: 4
dvd info: spu 1
    caption: 1
    language: English
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 0 letter 1 pan 0
dvd info: spu 2
    caption: 1
    language: Magyar
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 2 letter 3 pan 0
dvd info: spu 3
    caption: 1
    language: *Czech(Ceske)
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 4 letter 5 pan 0
dvd info: spu 4
    caption: 1
    language: Hrvatski
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 6 letter 7 pan 0
dvd info: spu 5
    caption: 1
    language: *Bulgarian
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 8 letter 9 pan 0
dvd info: spu 6
    caption: 1
    language: *Russian
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide a letter b pan 0
dvd info: spu 7
    caption: 1
    language: *Estonian
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide c letter d pan 0
dvd info: spu 8
    caption: 1
    language: *Lithuanian
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide e letter f pan 0
dvd info: spu 9
    caption: 1
    language: *Latvian, Lettish
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 10 letter 11 pan 0
dvd info: spu 10
    caption: 0
    language: Magyar
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 12 letter 13 pan 0
dvd info: spu 11
    caption: 1
    language: Magyar
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 14 letter 15 pan 0
dvd info: spu 12
    caption: 1
    language: *Czech(Ceske)
    prefix: 100
    status: 4:3 0 wide 16 letter 17 pan 0
module: downmixsse has score 0
module: downmix3dn has score 200
module: downmix has score 50
module: locking module `downmix3dn'
module: imdctsse has score 0
module: imdct3dn has score 200
module: imdct has score 50
module: locking module `imdct3dn'
module: motionmmxext has score 200
module: motionmmx has score 150
module: motion has score 50
module: locking module `motionmmxext'
module: idctmmxext has score 200
module: idctmmx has score 150
module: idctclassic has score 100
module: idct has score 50
module: locking module `idctmmxext'
intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
vpar: no vout present, spawning one
module: x11 has score 50
module: sdl has score 999
vout: no XVideo port found supporting YUV12
vout: Xvideo not supported
module: xvideo has score 0
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `sdl'
vout info: asking for 640x480, 15/16 bpp (1280 Bpl)
aout: no aout present, spawning one
module: sdl has score 40
module: dsp has score 100
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `dsp'
aout info: signed 16 bits stereo thread
aout info: audio output thread 7225 spawned
aout info: fifo #0 allocated, 2 channels, rate 0
vout: video display initialized (640x480, 16/16 bpp)
vout info: got 640x480, 16/16 bpp (1280 Bpl), masks: 0xf800/0x7e0/0x1f
vout: YUV acceleration unavailable !
module: yuvmmx has score 100
module: yuv has score 50
module: locking module `yuvmmx'
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[5] to P[4]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-287153)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174610)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174570)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81744d0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81744d0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174610)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81744d0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
module: hiding unused plugin module `x11'
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174430)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174480)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x8174520)
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81743e0)
ifo info: vts 3 initialized
dvd: title 3 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd info: title: 3
    vobstart at: 3636017 blocks
    stream size: 36362 blocks
    number of chapters: 4
    number of angles: 1
module: unlocking module `idctmmxext'
module: unlocking module `motionmmxext'
aout info: fifo #0 destroyed
module: unlocking module `downmix3dn'
module: unlocking module `imdct3dn'
dvd info: video
    compression: mpeg-2
    tv system: pal 625/50 Hz
    aspect ratio: 4:3
    display mode: not specified
    source res: 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal
    letterboxed: yes
    mode: camera
module: motionmmxext has score 200
module: motionmmx has score 150
module: motion has score 50
module: locking module `motionmmxext'
module: idctmmxext has score 200
module: idctmmx has score 150
module: idctclassic has score 100
module: idct has score 50
module: locking module `idctmmxext'
dvd info: audio 1
    language: English
    mode: ac3
    channel(s): 2
    sampling: 48000 Hz
    appl_mode: not specified
    quantization: drc
    status: 0
module: downmixsse has score 0
module: downmix3dn has score 200
module: downmix has score 50
module: locking module `downmix3dn'
module: imdctsse has score 0
module: imdct3dn has score 200
module: imdct has score 50
module: locking module `imdct3dn'
aout: changing aout type
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-252291)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
vout warning: late picture skipped (0x81744d0)
intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (-40000)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[5] to P[3]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-160000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
module: unlocking module `dsp'
module: sdl has score 40
module: dsp has score 100
module: dummy has score 1
module: locking module `dsp'
aout info: signed 16 bits stereo thread
aout info: audio output thread 7240 spawned
aout info: fifo #0 allocated, 2 channels, rate 0
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-120000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[2] to B[1]
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (40000)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[3] to P[2]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-240000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[2] to B[1]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[2] to P[4]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-120000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[2] to B[1]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[4] to P[2]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-280000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (40000)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-280000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (2)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (4)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[2] to P[3]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-240000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[1] to B[2]
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (80000)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[3] to P[2]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-240000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[2] to B[4]
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (160000)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[2] to P[1]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-360000)
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[4] to B[2]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[1] to P[4]
Intra-B15 coeff is out of bound
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[2] to B[3]
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (120000)
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from B[3] to B[2]
vpar info: stream periodicity changed from P[4] to P[2]
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-240000)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (3)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (1)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)
ac3dec warn: invalid mantissa (5)

... lot of similar errors skipped ...

ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
ac3dec warning: error during audioblock
vpar synchro warning: backward_pts != current_pts (80000)
vpar synchro warning: dts != current_pts (-240000)
dvd info: new title
ifo info: vts 4 initialized
dvd: title 4 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd info: title: 4
    vobstart at: 3779583 blocks
    stream size: 4 blocks
    number of chapters: 1
    number of angles: 1
MPEG2NonIntra coeff is out of bound
MPEG2NonIntra coeff is out of bound
MPEG2NonIntra coeff is out of bound
module: unlocking module `idctmmxext'
module: unlocking module `motionmmxext'
aout info: fifo #0 destroyed
module: unlocking module `downmix3dn'
module: unlocking module `imdct3dn'
dvd info: video
    compression: mpeg-2
    tv system: pal 625/50 Hz
    aspect ratio: 16:9
    display mode: letterboxed
    source res: 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal
    letterboxed: no
    mode: camera
module: motionmmxext has score 200
module: motionmmx has score 150
module: motion has score 50
module: locking module `motionmmxext'
module: idctmmxext has score 200
module: idctmmx has score 150
module: idctclassic has score 100
module: idct has score 50
module: locking module `idctmmxext'
intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
dvd info: new title
ifo info: vts 5 initialized
dvd: title 5 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd info: title: 5
    vobstart at: 3886748 blocks
    stream size: 4 blocks
    number of chapters: 1
    number of angles: 1
module: unlocking module `idctmmxext'
module: unlocking module `motionmmxext'
dvd info: video
    compression: mpeg-2
    tv system: pal 625/50 Hz
    aspect ratio: 16:9
    display mode: letterboxed
    source res: 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal
    letterboxed: no
    mode: camera
module: motionmmxext has score 200
module: motionmmx has score 150
module: motion has score 50
module: locking module `motionmmxext'
module: idctmmxext has score 200
module: idctmmx has score 150
module: idctclassic has score 100
module: idct has score 50
module: locking module `idctmmxext'
intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
dvd info: new title
ifo info: vts 6 initialized
dvd: title 6 vts_title 1 pgc 1
dvd info: title: 6
    vobstart at: 3993666 blocks
    stream size: 4 blocks
    number of chapters: 1
    number of angles: 1
module: unlocking module `idctmmxext'
module: unlocking module `motionmmxext'
dvd info: video
    compression: mpeg-2
    tv system: pal 625/50 Hz
    aspect ratio: 16:9
    display mode: letterboxed
    source res: 720x480 ntsc or 720x576 pal
    letterboxed: no
    mode: camera
module: motionmmxext has score 200
module: motionmmx has score 150
module: motion has score 50
module: locking module `motionmmxext'
module: idctmmxext has score 200
module: idctmmx has score 150
module: idctclassic has score 100
module: idct has score 50
module: locking module `idctmmxext'
intf: stream has changed, refreshing interface
dvd info: new title
ifo info: vts 7 initialized
dvd: title 7 vts_title 1 pgc 1
libdvdcss error: fatal error in vts css key
dvd error: fatal error in vts css key
input: EOF reached
module: unlocking module `idctmmxext'
module: unlocking module `motionmmxext'
module: unlocking module `dvd'
module: unlocking module `dsp'
module: unlocking module `yuvmmx'
module: unlocking module `sdl'
module: hiding unused plugin module `sdl'
module: hiding unused plugin module `dsp'
intf error: signal 2 received, exiting
module: unlocking module `gtk'
intf: removed `dvd:/dev/dvd' from playlist
intf: playlist destroyed
VideoLAN Client - version 0.2.90_2001-11-10 Ourumov - (C)1996-2001 VideoLAN

input: playing at normal rate
intf: program terminated

Once, when I was trying different titles and chapters, it crashed with:

dvd error: fatal error in vts css key

So I tried vlc --dvdcss key and vlc --dvdcss disc, but after that
video is not shown and audio is ugly. Log output is the same.

Hope this helps someone to solve the problem or tell me where I made a

Have a nice day.

Stepan Roh

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