radeon ddr 64mb and dvd playback

Alain Seite allan at free.fr
Fri Nov 16 20:28:09 CET 2001

On Wed, Nov 14, 2001 at 08:09:32PM -0500, nick lidakis wrote:
> Anyone using vlc or xine in conjunction with a radeon ddr agp videocard.
> I seem to be having some issues with dvd playback. Whenever I play a dvd
> or mpeg the  the last frame played shows up when I switch desktops.
> Also, no other windows can be seen on top of the video window. This only
> happens when using Xvideo output or SDL. Switching to X11 solves the

I'd say it's a window manager issue : I have seen the same problem with
gnome, fvwm2 works fine.

> problem, but video playback is too choppy even on a dual p3 1Ghz
> motherboard with no there apps running. Is this an issue with xfree or
> just my videocard? Using windows with the supplied ATI dvd player,
> everything works fine. Anybody else using a Radeon with vlc? And if so
> what are you experiences?
> nick lidakis

Alain SEITE (allan at free.fr)

The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands
what will sell.
                -- Confucius

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