device dvd

Thomas Graf reeler at
Mon Nov 19 17:06:33 CET 2001


On Mon, Nov 19, 2001 at 08:29:55PM +0900, Nagamori Isao wrote:
> Yes, there is no /dev/dev* file.  So how can I make
> /dev/dvd file with nkmod ?
> Someone please help me?

Look for the devicename of your dvd device. It's something like
/dev/hdc if it's ide or /dev/sr0 for scsi. It should appear in
the output of 'dmesg'. Then link to that device. 
ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/dvd

And make sure to have proper access to the device. You need
write access to the device. chmod 666 /dev/hdc should help.


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