Mac OSX Port Speed/GUI/My help

Luke Sands luke.sands at
Sat Sep 1 04:30:05 CEST 2001

Vlc OSX Port Team,

Disregard my last post, with the subject "Mac OSX Port (vlc-0.2.83"
  because I manged to get it to work, I forgot to install it in root

Great program, and I respect your efforts, however the speed of DVD 
playback, in my case atleast is horrible. Is there anyway to speed up 
the playback (in the terminal), at the moment its so slow its not 
usable. thanks in advance.

In my case, the GUI doesn't work at all so I've decided to put my 2p's 
worth into the project  (only if you want me to of course..) by creating 
a new OSX GUI / top app which will interface with the shell instead of 
having the unix part built in. I hope it would help other osx users, but 
if you don't need one, i'll just make it for myself, cus' i sure need 
it- i'm cross with the terminal already ; ) I'm planning to make the app 
in carbon, cus' I've just started UNIX shell and cocoa programming and 
i'm not sure were to begin : ) and my final question, how to you control 
sound volume, play, stop the dvd etc from the terminal?

btw. I'm new to this open source, UNIX programming, cocoa programming 
stuff (but i've got lots of books about them) so please bear with 
me..... ; )


luke.sands at

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