Compiled 0.2.92 for Mac OS X

St=?ISO-8859-1?B?6Q==?=phane Sudre s.sudre at
Tue Jan 22 22:23:42 CET 2002

le 22/01/02 14:12, Florian G. Pflug à fgp at a écrit :

> On Tue, Jan 22, 2002 at 12:16:33AM +0100, Stéphane Sudre wrote:
>>> You may think it would have been better to use pbxbuild for
>>> everything
>> Not at all. It just makes sense to use it for the Front-End.
>> Since it's platform specific, I don't see why using the platform-specific
>> IDE is wrong or breaks the centralized makefile (you're not compiling the
>> Mac OS X Front-End when you're doing the build on a linux box, are you?).
> I use pbxbuild to build a .bundle, and then the makefiles copies this
> vlc.bundle to /, and puts a binary(executable) (compiled by the normal
> vlc build
> system) inside the .app (formerly .bundle).
> Since there are one or two binary (non-executable) files in an .app (and the
> actual executable binary of course), you can't just create an .app by
> creating all the directories and files inside it yourself.

It could be possible adding a new Build Phase with a Shell Script which
would just run the ./configure and make command and then copy the
appropriate binary.

> So, yes, we use pbxbuild, but only to generate those additional files inside
> an .app. Since those are the same as inside any other of the OSX container
> structures (kernel module,...), it sufficient to tell pbxbuild "build a
> bundle".
> Anyway, this should all happen automatically when doing "make". It does for
> me, and I'd like to know why it doesn't work for others.

Maybe it did. Where is the output supposed to be?

> It may be missleading to see that the .pbproj includes some ".c" and ".h"
> files. They are not built (otherwise the checkbox to their right would be
> checked). They are just there because I like ProjectBuilder as IDE, and
> including them in the project makes working easier.

I will begin to write a Building.rtf file to explain this from your


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