Big problem vlc

karamba karamba karamba001 at
Tue Jul 30 19:39:27 CEST 2002

Well Jean-Paul!
It's like this: Starting VLC works fine. I am able to watch every possible 
movie. But than I can't start any other application exept the one are open 
(there is no possibility to start a new application) unless I completly 
deinstall vlc!!!
I just tryed the restart and the following happend:
First I took vlc to my application folder than I watched a movie and 
afterwards closed vlc. Since there was no possibility to open any other 
application, I restarted my TiBook 550Mhz, OS 10.1.5 and than locked in and 
try to start my mail-, chimera-, and IE-application, but big surprise, the 
only application starts up was VLC??????
So that's where I am now, I just can't understand what's going on. After I 
tryed everything, there was the only possibility to completely deinstall the 
hole vlc application and surprise, everything works nice again!!!!
Is'nt that strage? Well thank's for your help and I hope there will be a 
possibility to use vlc as a normal application quite soon!!!!
Best regards

>From: Jean-Paul Saman <saman at>
>Reply-To: vlc at
>To: vlc at
>Subject: Re: Big problem vlc
>Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 16:56:22 +0200
>karamba wrote:
>>Am 27.07.2002 12:21 Uhr schrieb "Jean-Paul Saman" unter <jpsaman at>:
>>>karamba karamba wrote:
>>>>Hi Jean-Paul!
>>>>Thanks for this great app. and I`m sorry to bother you but I have a
>>>>serios bug with vlc and somehow nobody is able to answer my question.
>>>I'm glad you like vlc.
>>>>The following happens since I installed the first vlc 0.4.1
>>>>I put vlc to my application folder (I`ll tryed my user folder as well)
>>>>and than start vlc and watch a dvd or a stream and it works fine on my
>>>>TiBook 550, OS 10.1.5.
>>>From this I guess you are running MacOS X. If so then you'll have to
>>>thank Christophe Massiot, Sam Hocevar and some others for the port to
>>>MacOS X.
>>>>And now the strange bug:  when I'm closing vlc and than try to open
>>>>another application - for example iE, Omniweb, works etc. - nothing
>>>>starts up exept vlc?????
>>>>I'm not able to use any other application on my OS 10.1.5 unless I
>>>>deinstall vlc??????
>>>>Even if I put vlc to the trash this bug don`t stop - the only
>>>>application starts up is vlc.
>>>>The only possibility to stop this strange bug is the completely vlc
>>>>deinstallation from my hardware.
>>>>And after I deinstalled the hole vlc software, I`m able to use my other
>>>>application again!!!!!
>>>>Is`nt this strange? Am I the only one with this trouble???
>>>>So please, I would realy appreciate to recieve an answer and maybe a
>>>>solution how to solve this strange bug with your great application!!!
>>>>Thank`s in advance and best regards from an austrian
>>>>H. Rakowitsch
>>>I suggest you try vlc-0.4.3 because this bug might be solved in there.
>>>Many greetings,
>>>Jean-Paul Saman.
>>Hi Jean-Paul!
>>I`ll allready tryed 0.4.3 on my OS X 10.1.5 and I`m afraid it`s still the
>>same bug!!! Well thank`s for your fast reply and I hope there will be a
>>future solution to solve this bug!!!!
>>Best regards and nice weekend
>>H. rakowitsch
>Can you give some more info. Are you also unable to start another program 
>when you rebooted the machine ?
>Give verbosity messages from vlc, so we can see what is wrong.
>Jean-Paul Saman.
>Kind greetings,
>Jean-Paul Saman
>Software Architect
>e-mail (work): saman at
>phone  (work): 040 27 42909
>Ordina TA,
>Science Park Eindhoven 5602, Postbus 293, 5600 AG Eindhoven
>e-mail : jean-paul.saman at
>phone  : 040 2601200
>fax    : 040 2601199
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