Bug with sub-title

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at penduick.via.ecp.fr
Sun Jun 2 12:48:51 CEST 2002


I use vlc 0.4.0 on a cyrix 234 MHz under Debian/Woody and gnome.

As my PC is slow, i have only 5 images per second but it isn't the problem.

I have two problems, both vith the stream on the tests on the ECP campus.

-When I select any subtitle either in the gnome interface or with a right 
click, the subtitles are divided in two parts . the part wich is normally 
on the right is on the left and vice-verca.
Is it a problem with my computer or one of the vlc ?

-when i select a channel then press the stop button if I change the language or the subtitle , the vlc segfault.


Christophe Mutricy
Ch B306 Rez ECP
2 av Sully Prud'homme
92 295 Chatenay-Malabry Cedex
Tel : 01 46 83 72 78
E-mail : xtophe at penduick.via.ecp.fr
	 (mutricc3 at cti.ecp.fr)

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