Need help for VLC on OS X?

The DJ hartman at
Thu May 23 12:29:42 CEST 2002

on 21-05-2002 21:10, Pierre-Olivier Latour at pol at wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm an OS X developer (Carbon / Cocoa) with about 7 years of programming on
> the Mac.
> I'm very impressed with VLC: it can read MPG files QuickTime is not even
> able to read, it use way less processing power for decoding MPG1, can read
> DVD, DVD files, etc... Great work! :-)
> I was actually working on a Cocoa QuickTime player because the one provided
> by Apple sucks (see enclosed application: it's not finished). So I might
> help developing the Cocoa interface. However, I don't have any knowledge
> using the terminal to compile and build app, and I don't want to learn ;).
> If the OS X port use Project Builder / Interface Builder, I'll try to build
> a cool interface for VLC. The best would be to create a separate library for
> the VLC Core, that I would simply import into the project.
> Can you send me the source code + project files of the OS X port so I can
> have a look?
> PS: Etant français moi meme, on peut parler français si ca aide.

Oke, it might look it bit different, but actual developing on this is just
as easy as on any other project.

First download the latest revision. You do this from the Terminal
application. Issue the following commands:

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at login

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at -z3
checkout libdvdcss

cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at -z3
checkout vlc
Now you need to go into the libdvdcss dir type:
cd libdvdcss

Now build libdvdcss

Now open the Project Builder file. It is located in vlc/Extras/MacOSX
You can now edit the files. Only those concerning the interface though. The
core video system etc is not in this project.
Once you are done editing return to the Terminal.

Go inside the vlc dir (use cd command) Type:

This takes quite a while. When it is done, the vlc application will be in
the vlc dir.

If your changes are finished, mail the changes you made (preferably in the
form of a patch) to the developers.

Universiteit Twente
Derk-Jan 'The DJ' Hartman
ICQnr: 10111559
Mail:  mailto:hartman at

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