Problem in windows XP

Yiping Lin wildelin at
Sun Sep 1 15:38:48 CEST 2002


I ran the DXCApsview and "vlc --intf=logger dvd:" (is that correct? Shouldn't I specify where my dvd drive is, e.g, E:). The acttachments (below) are the log file from DXCapsViews and from vlc. Please let me know if any information is needed. I'm waitting for the solution. Thank you very much for your help.

= dxview.log =
DirectDraw Devices
   Primary Display Driver (display)
            dwTotalVidMem                   47,710,208
            dwFreeVidMem                    47,710,208
            dwTotalLocMem                   7,864,320
            dwFreeLocMem                    7,864,320
            dwTotalAGPMem                   39,845,888
            dwFreeAGPMem                    39,845,888
            dwTotalTexMem                   28,311,552
            dwFreeTexMem                    28,311,552
               DDCAPS_3D                                    Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAY                               Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYCANTCLIP                       Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYFOURCC                         Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH                        Yes
               DDCAPS_READSCANLINE                          Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED                    Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED                 Yes
               DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY                  Yes
               DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM                       Yes
               DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES                         Yes
               DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED                   Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED                    Yes
               DDCAPS2_COPYFOURCC                           Yes
               DDCAPS2_PRIMARYGAMMA                         Yes
               DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC                          Yes
         FX Alpha Caps
               DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAPIXELS                 Yes
         Palette Caps
         Overlay Caps
               DDCAPS_OVERLAY                               Yes
                 dwAlignBoundaryDest                        0
                 dwAlignSizeDest                            0
                 dwAlignBoundarySrc                         0
                 dwAlignSizeSrc                             0
                 dwAlignStrideAlign                         0
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYCANTCLIP                       Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYFOURCC                         Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH                        Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED                    Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED                 Yes
               DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY                  Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY                       Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE              Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY                        Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE                Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE               Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY                Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN               Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER                       Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT              Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN                 Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX                      Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY                      Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN                    Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN                    Yes
               dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths                 0x00000000
               dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths                 0x00000000
               dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths               0x00000000
               dwMaxVisibleOverlays                         2
               dwCurrVisibleOverlays                        0
               dwMinOverlayStretch                          32
               dwMaxOverlayStretch                          2,048,000
         Surface Caps
               DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE                             Yes
               DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER                           Yes
               DDSCAPS_COMPLEX                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_FLIP                                 Yes
               DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER                          Yes
               DDSCAPS_MIPMAP                               Yes
               DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN                       Yes
               DDSCAPS_OVERLAY                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE                       Yes
               DDSCAPS_TEXTURE                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY                          Yes
               DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER                              Yes
               DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE                 524,800
               DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP                             Yes
               DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT                   Yes
         Stereo Vision Caps
         Video Port Caps
               DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE                 4,897,392
               dwMinLiveVideoStretch                        0
               dwMaxLiveVideoStretch                        0
               dwMaxVideoPorts                              0
               dwCurrVideoPorts                             0
         BLT Caps
            Video - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC                             Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_CKEYHWASSIST                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_ZBLTS                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED                   Yes
                     DDCAPS2_CANFLIPODDEVEN                       Yes
                     DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES                         Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT                           Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE                   Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY                       Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE              Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE                    Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY                        Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE                Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV             Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE               Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHYN                   Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY                Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN               Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER                       Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT              Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN                 Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN                    Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
            System - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
               Color Key
            Video - System
               Color Key
            System - System
               Color Key
            NonLocal - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC                             Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_CKEYHWASSIST                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_ZBLTS                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED                   Yes
                     DDCAPS2_CANFLIPODDEVEN                       Yes
                     DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES                         Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT                           Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE                   Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY                       Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE              Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE                    Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY                        Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE                Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV             Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE               Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHYN                   Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY                Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN               Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER                       Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT              Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN                 Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN                    Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
      Video Modes
            320x200x8 (ModeX)
            320x240x8 (ModeX)
      FourCC Formats
            dwVidMemTotal                                47,710,208
            dwVidMemFree                                 47,710,208
            dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths                     0x00000000
            dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths                     0x00000000
            dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths                   0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths                 0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths                 0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths               0x00000000
            dwZBufferBitDepths                           0x00000600
              DDBD_16                                    Yes
              DDBD_24                                    Yes
            dwMaxVisibleOverlays                         2
            dwCurrVisibleOverlays                        0
            dwNumFourCCCodes                             10
            dwAlignBoundarySrc                           0
            dwAlignSizeSrc                               0
            dwAlignBoundaryDest                          0
            dwAlignSizeDest                              0
            dwAlignStrideAlign                           0
            dwMinOverlayStretch                          32
            dwMaxOverlayStretch                          2,048,000
            dwMinLiveVideoStretch                        0
            dwMaxLiveVideoStretch                        0
            dwMinHwCodecStretch                          0
            dwMaxHwCodecStretch                          0
            dwMaxVideoPorts                              0
            dwCurrVideoPorts                             0
   Intel(R) 830M Graphics Controller-0 (\\.\DISPLAY1)
            dwTotalVidMem                   47,710,208
            dwFreeVidMem                    47,710,208
            dwTotalLocMem                   7,864,320
            dwFreeLocMem                    7,864,320
            dwTotalAGPMem                   39,845,888
            dwFreeAGPMem                    39,845,888
            dwTotalTexMem                   28,311,552
            dwFreeTexMem                    28,311,552
               DDCAPS_3D                                    Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAY                               Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYCANTCLIP                       Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYFOURCC                         Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH                        Yes
               DDCAPS_READSCANLINE                          Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED                    Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED                 Yes
               DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY                  Yes
               DDCAPS2_NONLOCALVIDMEM                       Yes
               DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES                         Yes
               DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED                   Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANRENDERWINDOWED                    Yes
               DDCAPS2_COPYFOURCC                           Yes
               DDCAPS2_PRIMARYGAMMA                         Yes
               DDCAPS2_FLIPNOVSYNC                          Yes
         FX Alpha Caps
               DDFXALPHACAPS_BLTALPHAPIXELS                 Yes
         Palette Caps
         Overlay Caps
               DDCAPS_OVERLAY                               Yes
                 dwAlignBoundaryDest                        0
                 dwAlignSizeDest                            0
                 dwAlignBoundarySrc                         0
                 dwAlignSizeSrc                             0
                 dwAlignStrideAlign                         0
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYCANTCLIP                       Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYFOURCC                         Yes
               DDCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCH                        Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBINTERLEAVED                    Yes
               DDCAPS2_CANBOBNONINTERLEAVED                 Yes
               DDCAPS2_COLORCONTROLOVERLAY                  Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY                       Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE              Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY                        Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE                Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE               Yes
               DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY                Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN               Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER                       Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT              Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN                 Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX                      Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY                      Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN                    Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY                     Yes
               DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN                    Yes
               dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths                 0x00000000
               dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths                 0x00000000
               dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths               0x00000000
               dwMaxVisibleOverlays                         2
               dwCurrVisibleOverlays                        0
               dwMinOverlayStretch                          32
               dwMaxOverlayStretch                          2,048,000
         Surface Caps
               DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE                             Yes
               DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER                           Yes
               DDSCAPS_COMPLEX                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_FLIP                                 Yes
               DDSCAPS_FRONTBUFFER                          Yes
               DDSCAPS_MIPMAP                               Yes
               DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN                       Yes
               DDSCAPS_OVERLAY                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE                       Yes
               DDSCAPS_TEXTURE                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_VIDEOMEMORY                          Yes
               DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER                              Yes
               DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE                 524,800
               DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP                             Yes
               DDSCAPS2_STEREOSURFACELEFT                   Yes
         Stereo Vision Caps
         Video Port Caps
               DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE                 4,897,392
               dwMinLiveVideoStretch                        0
               dwMaxLiveVideoStretch                        0
               dwMaxVideoPorts                              0
               dwCurrVideoPorts                             0
         BLT Caps
            Video - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC                             Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_CKEYHWASSIST                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_ZBLTS                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED                   Yes
                     DDCAPS2_CANFLIPODDEVEN                       Yes
                     DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES                         Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT                           Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE                   Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY                       Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE              Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE                    Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY                        Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE                Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV             Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE               Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHYN                   Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY                Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN               Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER                       Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT              Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN                 Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN                    Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
            System - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
               Color Key
            Video - System
               Color Key
            System - System
               Color Key
            NonLocal - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTFOURCC                             Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_CKEYHWASSIST                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_ZBLTS                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS2_NOPAGELOCKREQUIRED                   Yes
                     DDCAPS2_CANFLIPODDEVEN                       Yes
                     DDCAPS2_WIDESURFACES                         Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLT                           Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTBLTCLRSPACE                   Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAY                       Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_DESTOVERLAYONEACTIVE              Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLTCLRSPACE                    Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAY                        Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACE                Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYCLRSPACEYUV             Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYONEACTIVE               Yes
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCOVERLAYYUV                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHYN                   Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHY                Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYARITHSTRETCHYN               Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYFILTER                       Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORLEFTRIGHT              Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYMIRRORUPDOWN                 Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKX                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKXN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKY                      Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSHRINKYN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHX                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHXN                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHY                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_OVERLAYSTRETCHYN                    Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
      Video Modes
            320x200x8 (ModeX)
            320x240x8 (ModeX)
      FourCC Formats
            dwVidMemTotal                                47,710,208
            dwVidMemFree                                 47,710,208
            dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths                     0x00000000
            dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths                     0x00000000
            dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths                   0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths                 0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths                 0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths               0x00000000
            dwZBufferBitDepths                           0x00000600
              DDBD_16                                    Yes
              DDBD_24                                    Yes
            dwMaxVisibleOverlays                         2
            dwCurrVisibleOverlays                        0
            dwNumFourCCCodes                             10
            dwAlignBoundarySrc                           0
            dwAlignSizeSrc                               0
            dwAlignBoundaryDest                          0
            dwAlignSizeDest                              0
            dwAlignStrideAlign                           0
            dwMinOverlayStretch                          32
            dwMaxOverlayStretch                          2,048,000
            dwMinLiveVideoStretch                        0
            dwMaxLiveVideoStretch                        0
            dwMinHwCodecStretch                          0
            dwMaxHwCodecStretch                          0
            dwMaxVideoPorts                              0
            dwCurrVideoPorts                             0
   Hardware Emulation Layer
            dwTotalVidMem                   47,710,208
            dwFreeVidMem                    47,710,208
            dwTotalLocMem                   7,864,320
            dwFreeLocMem                    7,864,320
            dwTotalAGPMem                   39,845,888
            dwFreeAGPMem                    39,845,888
            dwTotalTexMem                   28,311,552
            dwFreeTexMem                    28,311,552
               DDCAPS_3D                                    Yes
               DDCAPS_PALETTE                               Yes
               DDCAPS2_CERTIFIED                            Yes
         FX Alpha Caps
         Palette Caps
               DDPCAPS_1BIT                                 Yes
               DDPCAPS_2BIT                                 Yes
               DDPCAPS_4BIT                                 Yes
               DDPCAPS_8BITENTRIES                          Yes
               DDPCAPS_8BIT                                 Yes
               DDPCAPS_ALLOW256                             Yes
         Overlay Caps
                 dwAlignBoundaryDest                        0
                 dwAlignSizeDest                            0
                 dwAlignBoundarySrc                         0
                 dwAlignSizeSrc                             0
                 dwAlignStrideAlign                         0
               dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths                 0x00000000
               dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths                 0x00000000
               dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths               0x00000000
               dwMaxVisibleOverlays                         0
               dwCurrVisibleOverlays                        0
               dwMinOverlayStretch                          0
               dwMaxOverlayStretch                          0
         Surface Caps
               DDSCAPS_FLIP                                 Yes
               DDSCAPS_MIPMAP                               Yes
               DDSCAPS_OFFSCREENPLAIN                       Yes
               DDSCAPS_PALETTE                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE                       Yes
               DDSCAPS_TEXTURE                              Yes
               DDSCAPS_ZBUFFER                              Yes
               DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE                 512
               DDSCAPS2_CUBEMAP                             Yes
         Stereo Vision Caps
         Video Port Caps
               DDSCAPS2_HARDWAREDEINTERLACE                 1
               dwMinLiveVideoStretch                        0
               dwMaxLiveVideoStretch                        0
               dwMaxVideoPorts                              0
               dwCurrVideoPorts                             0
         BLT Caps
            Video - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_ALPHA                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIP                               Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED                      Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
                     BLACKNESS                                    Yes
                     WHITENESS                                    Yes
            System - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_ALPHA                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIP                               Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED                      Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
                     BLACKNESS                                    Yes
                     WHITENESS                                    Yes
            Video - System
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_ALPHA                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIP                               Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED                      Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
                     BLACKNESS                                    Yes
                     WHITENESS                                    Yes
            System - System
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_ALPHA                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIP                               Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED                      Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
                     BLACKNESS                                    Yes
                     WHITENESS                                    Yes
            NonLocal - Video
                     DDCAPS_BLT                                   Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTCOLORFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTDEPTHFILL                          Yes
                     DDCAPS_BLTSTRETCH                            Yes
                     DDCAPS_COLORKEY                              Yes
                     DDCAPS_ALPHA                                 Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIP                               Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANCLIPSTRETCHED                      Yes
                     DDCAPS_CANBLTSYSMEM                          Yes
               Color Key
                     DDCKEYCAPS_SRCBLT                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTALPHA                            Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTARITHSTRETCHY                    Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTFILTER                           Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORLEFTRIGHT                  Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTMIRRORUPDOWN                     Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKX                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKXN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKY                          Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSHRINKYN                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHX                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHXN                        Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHY                         Yes
                     DDFXCAPS_BLTSTRETCHYN                        Yes
                     SRCCOPY                                      Yes
                     BLACKNESS                                    Yes
                     WHITENESS                                    Yes
      Video Modes
            320x200x8 (ModeX)
            320x240x8 (ModeX)
      FourCC Formats
            dwVidMemTotal                                0
            dwVidMemFree                                 0
            dwAlphaBltConstBitDepths                     0x00000000
            dwAlphaBltPixelBitDepths                     0x00000000
            dwAlphaBltSurfaceBitDepths                   0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlayConstBitDepths                 0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlayPixelBitDepths                 0x00000000
            dwAlphaOverlaySurfaceBitDepths               0x00000000
            dwZBufferBitDepths                           0x00000400
              DDBD_16                                    Yes
            dwMaxVisibleOverlays                         0
            dwCurrVisibleOverlays                        0
            dwNumFourCCCodes                             0
            dwAlignBoundarySrc                           0
            dwAlignSizeSrc                               0
            dwAlignBoundaryDest                          0
            dwAlignSizeDest                              0
            dwAlignStrideAlign                           0
            dwMinOverlayStretch                          0
            dwMaxOverlayStretch                          0
            dwMinLiveVideoStretch                        0
            dwMaxLiveVideoStretch                        0
            dwMinHwCodecStretch                          0
            dwMaxHwCodecStretch                          0
            dwMaxVideoPorts                              0
            dwCurrVideoPorts                             0

= vlc.log =
-- log plugin started --
VideoLAN Client - version 0.4.1 Ourumov - (c) 1996-2002 VideoLAN

module: new builtin module `main', main program
module: checking built-in modules
module: new builtin module `idct', IDCT module
module: new builtin module `idctclassic', classic IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motion', motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `imdct', AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix', AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_rgb', I420,IYUV,YV12 to RGB,RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversions
module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_yuy2', conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv,Y211
module: new builtin module `chroma_i422_yuy2', conversions from I422 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv,Y211
module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_ymga', conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
module: new builtin module `mpeg_adec', MPEG I/II layer 1/2 audio decoder
module: new builtin module `ac3_adec', software AC3 decoder
module: new builtin module `mpeg_vdec', MPEG I/II video decoder module
module: new builtin module `memcpymmx', MMX memcpy module
module: new builtin module `idctmmx', MMX IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmx', MMX motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_rgb_mmx', MMX I420,IYUV,YV12 to RV15,RV16,RV24,RV32 conversions
module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_yuy2_mmx', MMX conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv
module: new builtin module `chroma_i422_yuy2_mmx', MMX conversions from I422 to YUY2,YUNV,YVYU,UYVY,UYNV,Y422,IUYV,cyuv
module: new builtin module `chroma_i420_ymga_mmx', MMX conversions from I420,IYUV,YV12 to YMGA
module: new builtin module `memcpymmxext', MMX EXT memcpy module
module: new builtin module `idctmmxext', MMX EXT IDCT module
module: new builtin module `motionmmxext', MMXEXT motion compensation module
module: new builtin module `memcpy3dn', 3D Now! memcpy module
module: new builtin module `imdct3dn', 3D Now! AC3 IMDCT module
module: new builtin module `downmix3dn', 3D Now! AC3 downmix module
module: new builtin module `dvd', DVD input module, uses libdvdcss
module: new builtin module `mpeg_ts_dvbpsi', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Transport Stream input (libdvbpsi)
module: new builtin module `mad', libmad MPEG 1/2/3 audio decoder library
module: new builtin module `ffmpeg', ffmpeg video decoder (MSMPEG4v123,MPEG4)
module: new builtin module `a52', a52 ATSC A/52 aka AC-3 audio decoder module
module: checking plugin modules
module: browsing `.'
module: browsing `plugins'
module: new plugin module `dummy', dummy functions module
module: new plugin module `null', the Null module that does nothing
module: new plugin module `rc', remote control interface module
module: new plugin module `logger', file logging interface module
module: new plugin module `mpeg_es', ISO 13818-2 MPEG Elementary Stream input
module: new plugin module `mpeg_ps', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Program Stream input
module: new plugin module `mpeg_ts', ISO 13818-1 MPEG Transport Stream input
module: new plugin module `mpeg_audio', MPEG I/II Audio stream demux
module: new plugin module `file', Standard filesystem file reading
module: new plugin module `udp', Raw UDP access plug-in
module: new plugin module `http', HTTP access plug-in
module: new plugin module `ipv4', IPv4 network abstraction layer
module: new plugin module `memcpy', libc memcpy module
module: new plugin module `lpcm_adec', linear PCM audio decoder
module: new plugin module `ac3_spdif', SPDIF pass-through AC3 decoder
module: new plugin module `spudec', DVD subtitles decoder module
module: new plugin module `filter_deinterlace', deinterlacing module
module: new plugin module `filter_invert', invert video module
module: new plugin module `filter_wall', image wall video module
module: new plugin module `filter_transform', image transformation module
module: new plugin module `filter_distort', miscellaneous video effects module
module: new plugin module `filter_clone', image clone video module
module: new plugin module `filter_crop', image crop video module
module: new plugin module `fx_scope', scope effect module
module: new plugin module `ipv6', IPv6 network abstraction layer
module: new plugin module `avi', RIFF-AVI Stream input
module: new plugin module `sdl', Simple DirectMedia Layer module
module: new plugin module `directx', DirectX extension module
module: new plugin module `waveout', Win32 waveOut extension module
module: new plugin module `gtk', Gtk+ interface module
module: new plugin module `intfwin', Win32 interface module
module: browsing `/usr/local/lib/videolan/vlc'
module: module bank initialized, found 62 modules
config: opening config file C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Application Data/videolan/vlcrc
config: loading config for module <intfwin>
config: found <intfwin> option intfwin-max-lines=500
config: loading config for module <directx>
config: found <directx> option directx-hw-yuv=1
config: found <directx> option directx-use-sysmem=0
config: loading config for module <filter_crop>
config: found <filter_crop> option crop-geometry=(NULL)
config: found <filter_crop> option autocrop=0
config: loading config for module <filter_clone>
config: found <filter_clone> option clone-count=2
config: loading config for module <filter_distort>
config: found <filter_distort> option distort-mode=wave
config: loading config for module <filter_transform>
config: found <filter_transform> option transform-type=90
config: loading config for module <filter_wall>
config: found <filter_wall> option wall-cols=3
config: found <filter_wall> option wall-rows=3
config: found <filter_wall> option wall-active=(NULL)
config: loading config for module <filter_deinterlace>
config: found <filter_deinterlace> option deinterlace-mode=bob
config: loading config for module <dummy>
config: found <dummy> option dummy-chroma=(NULL)
config: loading config for module <a52>
config: found <a52> option a52-dynrng=1
config: loading config for module <mad>
config: found <mad> option downscale=fast
config: loading config for module <dvd>
config: loading config for module <mpeg_vdec>
config: found <mpeg_vdec> option mpeg-idct=(NULL)
config: found <mpeg_vdec> option mpeg-motion=(NULL)
config: found <mpeg_vdec> option vdec-smp=0
config: found <mpeg_vdec> option vpar-synchro=(NULL)
config: loading config for module <ac3_adec>
config: found <ac3_adec> option ac3-downmix=(NULL)
config: found <ac3_adec> option ac3-imdct=(NULL)
config: loading config for module <main>
config: found <main> option intf=(NULL)
config: found <main> option warning=0
config: found <main> option stats=0
config: found <main> option search-path=E
config: found <main> option aout=(NULL)
config: found <main> option audio=1
config: found <main> option mono=0
config: found <main> option volume=512
config: found <main> option rate=44100
config: found <main> option desync=0
config: found <main> option audio-format=0
config: found <main> option vout=(NULL)
config: found <main> option video=1
config: found <main> option width=-1
config: found <main> option height=-1
config: found <main> option zoom=1.000000
config: found <main> option grayscale=0
config: found <main> option fullscreen=0
config: found <main> option overlay=1
config: found <main> option spumargin=-1
config: found <main> option filter=(NULL)
config: found <main> option server-port=1234
config: found <main> option network-channel=0
config: found <main> option channel-server=localhost
config: found <main> option channel-port=6010
config: found <main> option iface=eth0
config: found <main> option program=0
config: found <main> option audio-type=-1
config: found <main> option audio-channel=1
config: found <main> option spu-channel=0
config: found <main> option dvd=D
config: found <main> option vcd=D
config: found <main> option ipv6=0
config: found <main> option ipv4=0
config: found <main> option mpeg-adec=(NULL)
config: found <main> option ac3-adec=(NULL)
config: found <main> option mmx=1
config: found <main> option 3dn=1
config: found <main> option mmxext=1
config: found <main> option sse=1
config: found <main> option altivec=1
config: found <main> option launch-playlist=0
config: found <main> option enqueue-playlist=0
config: found <main> option loop-playlist=0
config: found <main> option memcpy=(NULL)
config: found <main> option access=(NULL)
config: found <main> option demux=(NULL)
intf: playlist initialized
intf: added `dvd:' to playlist
module: locking memcpy module `memcpymmxext'
vlc 0.4.1 Ourumov Copyright 1996-2002 VideoLAN

Using the logger interface plugin...
intf error: no log filename provided, using `vlc.log'
intf: opening logfile `vlc.log'
module: locking interface module `logger'
intf: interface initialized
intf: creating new input thread
input: playlist item `dvd:'
thread info: 1640 (input) has been created (src/input/input.c:197)
input: access `dvd', demux `', name `'
input: dvd=D raw= title=1 chapter=1 angle=1
dvd error: partition 0 not found
dvd error: fatal failure in ifo
module error: requested access module `dvd' unavailable
input error: no suitable access plug-in for `dvd/:'
thread info: 1640 has been joined ((unknown):0)
module: hiding unused plugin module `intfwin'
module: hiding unused plugin module `gtk'
module: hiding unused plugin module `waveout'
module: hiding unused plugin module `directx'
module: hiding unused plugin module `sdl'
module: hiding unused plugin module `avi'
module: hiding unused plugin module `ipv6'
module: hiding unused plugin module `fx_scope'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_crop'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_clone'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_distort'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_transform'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_wall'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_invert'
module: hiding unused plugin module `filter_deinterlace'
module: hiding unused plugin module `spudec'
module: hiding unused plugin module `ac3_spdif'
module: hiding unused plugin module `lpcm_adec'
module: hiding unused plugin module `memcpy'
module: hiding unused plugin module `ipv4'
module: hiding unused plugin module `http'
module: hiding unused plugin module `udp'
module: hiding unused plugin module `file'
module: hiding unused plugin module `mpeg_audio'
module: hiding unused plugin module `mpeg_ts'
module: hiding unused plugin module `mpeg_ps'
module: hiding unused plugin module `mpeg_es'
module: hiding unused plugin module `rc'
module: hiding unused plugin module `null'
module: hiding unused plugin module `dummy'

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