[vlc] VLC 0.5.3 Studder when playing network content

Douglas Baggett dbaggett at nsf.gov
Thu Apr 10 00:39:31 CEST 2003

I downloaded and installed VLC 0.5.3 on two different Windows XP 
systems. I have successfully played two CD's smoothly "Gladiator and 
Pitch Black"  directly from the DVD players on each system.

But when I stream them to a UDP or multicast address, the clients on 
other systems encounter a slight pause or studder in the video every 2 
seconds or so when watching the stream. In order to test if it was a 
local network issue, I fired up a second VLC player on the same P4 2.4 
Ghz system that I was streaming it from and tried to watch the stream 
using the loopback interface and got the same pausing and studder every 
2 seconds.

Since I only get this behavior when watching it via the network, I am 
wondering if there is either

A. A bug in the network code in VLC
B. A setting in the TCP stack on Windows that VLC does not like.

Any help would be great! I'd like to demo this open source software to 
my boss for deployment, but I'd like to get this slight kink worked out 
before I show it to him.


Douglas Baggett
Network/Server Administrator (CISE High Speed Network)
Andrulis Corporation (A Division of Dynamics Research Corporation)
National Science Foundation
Office of the Assistant Director
Directorate for Computers and Information Science And Engineering
dbaggett at nsf.gov
M-F 8-4 PM Eastern

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