[vlc] Re: Print to Video

Jack Powers jack at cryptnet.org
Wed Apr 23 05:36:19 CEST 2003

I'd love to do this, too, also on a Mac. I've been able to play
clips with vlc on a second display screen in full screen mode,
and I can convert that VGA signal to NTSC video, but Firewire
(IEEE 1394 or Sony iLink) quality would be much better.

My application is playing video to a Public Access TV channel.
VideoLan seems perfect for that!

On Friday, April 18, 2003, at 07:29  PM, Matthew Boehm wrote:

> Hey gang, I was wondering if anyone out there has been successful in 
> opening
> a video (any video) and have the output be a firewire device.
> I have a firewire-to-analog converter on my FW port and I want to be 
> able to
> watch divx movies on my TV and record them to my VCR.

Jack Powers, Pres.                  jack at mhat.tv    +1 408 779 7763
Morgan Hill Access Television   www.mhat.tv
A Service of the Media Access Coalition of Central California, Inc.
82 East Second St.,  Morgan Hill, CA 95037-3629 USA
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