[vlc] Re: want some help

Gildas Bazin gbazin at netcourrier.com
Sun May 25 15:34:47 CEST 2003

On Sunday 25 May 2003 10:27, 王 云 wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam:
> I am so presuming to trouble you .I am a university student in China and 
> major is something about programme . Now, I have an exercise about 
> compiling the VideoLAN Client (vlc-0.5.1) on the Windows system .For read 
> VLC User Guide”,”VideoLAN HOWTO” and so on , there is little help to me 
> . And for several weeks to read the source files, I make a general idea 
> about it .But I found it is difficult to me to get the whole structure of 
> it . And as the disease in Beijing , I can not meet my teacher. So I write 
> to you to ask would you please give me some file about compiling the VLC 
> the program flow. It will very kind of you. Thank you.
> If this email bring you some trouble , I am very sorry about it .

The build instructions are available here:

For a description of VLC's internals you can have a look at:
It is out-dated but it maybe a good read before actually using the source 
code as the ultimate documentation ;)

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