[vlc] Re: Which vlc version for rtp sout module?

Felix Kühne fk at aenneburghardt.de
Sun Dec 12 14:15:53 CET 2004

Hi Claudio,
afaik, this rtp-module was introduced in the 0.8.0 release.

The only official binary package of v0.8.1 for Linux is for Debian. 
RedHat should follow soon, but we haven't heard anything from our 
maintainer for some time. An unofficial package for SuSE does also 
exist. There is no Linux-distribution which is best for compiling VLC.

You can find a detailed introduction on compiling VLC for Linux here: 
<http://developers.videolan.org/vlc/nix-compile.html> The needed 
libraries can be found on our server, so you don't need to search for 

Kind regards,

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