[vlc] jukebox interface

David Blair blair at telepathic-movie.org
Tue Mar 2 16:33:42 CET 2004


Could someone suggest the best way to implement a simple network jukebox 
with Videolan?

Right now, we have a local network, with clips stored under Apache on one 
machine.... and are typing in the mrls to the videolan client. More than 
one user may be accessing the server at a time, playing different clips.

We would like a simple web interface... ie click an item in an html 
playlist, and have that item start to play in the local videolan client.

We haven't been able to get IE to launch vlc and grab the http stream. And 
we haven't figured out the http interface. Can it be used instead of Apache 
on the server, to answer multiple simultaneous users for different files? 
If so, how can we get it to display the directory listing as a playlist? Do 
requested files first have to load completely into memory [the server is 
slow and small, so this would be a problem]?

n.b. Videolan is very impressive.

thanks in advance,

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