[vlc] Handling of mpeg 4 audio (mpeg aac)

Michael Raizman mraizman at purenet.tv
Fri Mar 5 18:07:44 CET 2004

The message from september 2003:

On Monday 29 September 2003 14:43, Nils-Odd Solberg wrote:
> hi all,
> below are 3 different commands. i have used vlc 0.6.2 build from  
> source. the difference are in the acodec.

VLC doesn't yet handle transcoding to mpeg 4 audio (mpeg aac) so using 
"acodec=mp4a" won't work.

If you want mpeg audio layer3, use "acodec=mp3" but you need to have ffmpeg 
compiled with mp3lame support.

otherwise, use mpga (mpeg audio layer 2) but the quality of mpga isn't 
really good (the encoder doesn't use psycho-acoustics).


And what is the situation now? Does it  handle in 0.7.1?
I compiled the 0.7.1 with live support and run the rtsp stream. I  can 
see, but cann't  hear  anything.  The  vlc wrote :

>main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `mp4a'.
>VLC probably does not support this sound or video format.
Thank you for the answer.

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