[vlc] Re: Build environment question..

Sigmund Augdal sigmunau at stud.ntnu.no
Tue Mar 9 00:31:11 CET 2004

On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 10:09:45AM -0600, steve.rosenberg at alconlabs.com wrote:
> Greetings,
> I am a software developer whom has done most of his work in a windows
> environment.  The only work that I have done to date in Unix of Linux is
> with Java.  After briefly reading through your website I noticed that you
> have a windows build of VLC but you build it in a Linux environment.
> My question is:  Would it be possible to build your source in its current
> state in a windows environment using Visual Studio?
If you get a released source tar.gz file it contains project files for
visual studio. Large parts of vlc can be compiled with these project files,
but I'm told it is a pain in the ass to compile all needed third party
libraries for/with Visual Studio. Some are even impossible to compile
directly and require nasty hacks to be accessible from visual studio.

> If not, what tools do you use in the Linux environment to perform the build?
The process of compiling a VLC for windows is described in detail in this
document: http://developers.videolan.org/vlc/vlc/INSTALL.win32

> Please be specific and add as much detail as possible...
I don't think I can provide more detailed information than in the
compilation instruction document linked to above, unless I get a more
detailed question.

Hope this helps a bit.

Sigmund Augdal

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