[vlc] GPE VLC v0.7.1 for xscale iPaq 3970 module linking problem

Annie Chen anniec at albatros.gliwice.pl
Wed Mar 10 09:49:25 CET 2004


I have previously posted this as part of a reply to another related
message but I haven't gotten any replies, so I'm reposting it on its own
with more info I hope it's ok, sorry about this.

I've installed VLC v0.7.1 for xscale on a iPaq 3970 running pypaq 7.2.
It seems to be problem linking to the modules.
When I tried to run vlc I get the following error:

VLC media player 0.7.1 Bond
[00000001] main vlc error: no memcpy module matched "any"
[00000017] main interface error: no interface module matched
[00000017] main interface error: no suitable intf module
[00000001] main vlc error: interface "hotkeys,none" initialization
[00000018] main interface error: no interface module matched "any"
[00000018] main interface error: no suitable intf module
[00000001] main vlc error: interface "(null)" initialization failed

When I run strace on vlc I see that it's trying to find these libraries
under "modules/" directory, but these libraries are installed under
subdirectories in /usr/lib/vlc.  To make it work I manually created a
directory called "modules" and linked all the libraries files under
/usr/lib/vlc. However this is not a permanent solution. I suspect it
reads in the location of modules from .vlcrc config file but I have no
such file and couldn't find an example of such file.

Could someone please tell me how to fix this problem.

Thank you very much!


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