[vlc] Fwd: teletexte

Derk-Jan Hartman hartman at videolan.org
Wed May 5 01:03:41 CEST 2004

Begin forwarded message:

> From: info <info at intlnet.org>
> Date: 04 mei 2004 22:45:32 GMT+02:00
> To: Derk-Jan Hartman <hartman at videolan.org>
> Subject: Re: [vlc] teletexte
> On 22:13 04/05/04, Derk-Jan Hartman said:
>> My french isn't that good, and this is a english speaking language, 
>> however i'll give it my best shot"
> Sorry, I will switch to English.
>> You want to ADD teletext info to your stream?
> Actually I want to extract Telextexe info. There is a French company 
> which has a poduct to insert a the teletexte info - however it is 
> expensive and I would be interested in adding it on a sponsored 
> project.
>> VLC has no support for decoding let alone encoding of teletext (vdi) 
>> into it's stream. With some help of a library like zvdilib and using 
>> TV cards on linux it might actually be able to decode this rather 
>> easily.
> Great news.
>> However i don't think anyone is interested in this functionality 
>> within the team atm, and there isn't much time available to work on 
>> such a thing either.
> The real need would be to get advise. I understand that WinTV cards 
> support it off the shelve, so their software has the routine.
>> Encoding this information into a stream isn't easy at all, and i 
>> don't think there is currently any opensource program that can do 
>> this.
>> This would be a very difficult problem to tackle I think.
> Probably yes. But this is a one shot expense for a TV station/operator.
>> The team is always ready to answer any questions on VLC you might 
>> have in this area, but will probably not assist in any true coding 
>> for this.
> Great. The coding itself could possibly be carried by African R&D 
> directly interested into this and may be also on civil security 
> funding.
>> Debian is no problem, QNX hasn't been tested in a long long long time 
>> if i remember correctly. i'm doubtful if it will compile in a single 
>> try.
> I am interested to know if you evaluate QNX as a good system for 
> videolan. I developped a multi-cpu interoperable "OS" a few years ago 
> for videotex, fax, telephone. It was QNX 2. I was impressed by its 
> speed, reliability, simplicity and network archtecture. The cost is 
> not a problem if it permits to save on chips for IPsec I need there.
> Are there some QNX pros in your group who could comment?
> I appreciate a lot your help.
> jfc
>> DJ
>> On 03 mei 2004, at 22:39, info wrote:
>>> Messieurs,
>>> j'aurais besoin d'un support teletexte pour un projet de diffusion 
>>> d'information gratuite pour les pays en voie de développement ou les 
>>> intervention de crise (pompiers). Je ne trouve nulle part mention de 
>>> ce support. Je ne suis pas un pro de ce domaine. Ma question est :
>>> - un tel support ne semble pas disponible d'aprés mes recherches ?
>>> - serait-il complexe à développer ?
>>> - pensez-vous qu'un membre de votre équipe pourrait nous conseiller 
>>> sur la meilleure voie à suivre. Aprés on apprenda et on travaillera.
>>> - les plateformes envisagées sont Debbian et QNX ? Cela pose-t-il un 
>>> problème ?
>>> Merci de votre aide.
>>> Cordialement
>>> jfc morfin
>> ---
>> Universiteit Twente
>> Derk-Jan Hartman (d.hartman at student.utwente dot nl)
>> http://home.student.utwente.nl/d.hartman
Universiteit Twente
Derk-Jan Hartman (d.hartman at student.utwente dot nl)

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