[vlc] Re: Found strings in a commercial program

Rémi Denis-Courmont courmisch at via.ecp.fr
Sun Apr 24 22:41:04 CEST 2005


Le Jeudi 21 Avril 2005 05:43, RADIUS81110 at aol.com a écrit :
> I found your site by finding the following strings in a commercial
> program called VX30 encoder by MAUI X STREAM.
> This is the string I found.
> String Resource ID=01151: "1, 0, 700, 1
> liba52 0.7.4, http://liba52.sourceforge.net/"
>  String Resource ID=01152: "1, 0, 700, 1
> libdts 0.0.2, http://www.videolan.org/dtsdec.ht"
>  String Resource ID=01153: "1, 0, 700, 1
> Based on "NUT Open Container Format DRAFT 20030"

Did you contact the liba52 people ? we have no particular relationship 
with them, though we do use their software.

As for libdts^Wlibdca, it is copyrighted by VideoLAN project contributor 
Gildas Bazin, rather than by the VideoLAN project/team, so it's 
entirely up to him to do anything (we can't enforce someone else 

Unless you have reasons to believe that part of VLC media player or 
another GPL'd software copyrighted by the VideoLAN project, there's not 
much we can do - except Gildas if he cares.

Thanks for the report,


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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