[vlc] Re: DVD (VIDEO_TS/?.VOB) playback sound issue

Måns Rullgård mru at inprovide.com
Fri Apr 29 21:08:34 CEST 2005

Oscar Van Vliet <ovvldc at yahoo.co.uk> writes:

> Dear VideoLan developers,
> I have recently been using VLC to play back a collection of short films
> taken from various DVDs. I am using VLC 0.8.1 on a 12" iBook G4 800 Mhz
> with OS X 10.3.9. The DVDs are all home-burned by various media
> artists.
> In some cases I lost the sound. I can't really pin it down, but I found
> they will play the sound if I use the DVD and feed it into Apple's DVD
> player application.

Could it be a codec issue, somehow?  Check for obvious differences
between the good ones and the bad ones.

> If you need one or two shorts to demonstrate the effect or for
> debugging I would be happy to put them up for transfer somewhere.

It would certainly help.

Måns Rullgård
mru at inprovide.com

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