[vlc] Illegal characters in RTSP stream user/password mechanism

k.petropoulos at freemail.gr k.petropoulos at freemail.gr
Fri Aug 5 22:41:12 CEST 2005


It seems that when there is an illegal character in the user/password
authentication mechanism of an RTSP URL, then VLC fails to deliver
the content.

For example, for user "user" and password "passw at rd" the RTSP URL
is: rtsp://user:passw@rd@somesite/somecatalog/file.rm and that's
something that causes VideoLAN not to show the stream.

The obvious way to change that behaviour is to inform the administrators
of the stream server to alter the offending password but that does
not always is successful.

Could a workaround be added to VLC so that the particular issue is resolved?

Thanks in advance.

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