[vlc] howto setup VLC server like VLS ?

Jim Duda jim at duda.tzo.com
Mon Aug 29 17:53:25 CEST 2005

I've been playing with streaming from both VLS and VLC from my PVR-350 card.
Both VLS and VLC seemed to work *okay*, but not perfect.  I found there was
some video and/or audio stuttering at times.

Then I *really* RTFM and noticed that --cr-average 1000 is required for the
IVTV drivers.  That made a huge difference and vlc seems really solid now.
I now want to transition from VLS to VLC, which seems to be the preferred
recommended approach since VLS isn't in active development much anymore.

I'm currently using the VLS telnet management interface such that I can
start and stop the stream based upon a simple telnet connection (I'm using
a telnet socket for control).  With VLS, this works really well.  I simply
start VLS as a daemon process and use the telnet interface to "start" and
"stop" the stream on demand.  It's important for /dev/video to be closed
when the stream has been stopped.

I'm trying to figure out how to get the same behavior with VLC using the
VLM telnet interface of VLC.  I cannot seem to figure out how to get this
to work.  I want to start VLC as a deamon and have it ready to stream the
PVR whenever a telnet interface issues a "control play" command.

I think I understand how the vlm configuration files work.  What I cannot
seem to figure out is how to get vlc to read a configuration file when vlc
is launched.  Is this possible?

So, I want a configuration file like this:

new livetv broadcast enabled
setup livetv input pvr://
setup livetv output #standard{mux=ts,access=udp,url=""}
control livetv stop

I'm hoping the above configuration file would setup the livetv stream and
leave /dev/video closed until another telnet session opened up and issued
"control livetv play"

How can I get vlc (vlm) to read such a configuration file on startup?


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