[vlc] Stream AVC

Philippe De Neve Philippe.deneve at intec.ugent.be
Wed Aug 31 16:15:17 CEST 2005

Hi guys,

has anybody ever succesfully streamed an AVC/H.264 MP4 file from VLC (or VLC
in VLM mode) to VLC over RTP? (On windows)
If it is possible, is the file packetized following RFC 3984 - RTP payload
Format for H.264 Video? Or is the file packetized in TS packets over UDP ?

I'm trying to stream an AVC file encoded with Nero Digital. The file plays
back nice on VLC. But when I try to 'stream output' to another VLC instance
on another machine nothing happens although the slider slides like it is
being played back. (I've put the messages from the server and client below,
although no errors are written in messages list.)

Then I tried the next thing: Opening the AVC file and stream the output
locally by selecting 'play locally': Now nothing is played and the messages
window is flooded with 'cannot decode one frame (x)'  entries (with the size
of the frame)! It seems that there is a difference when playing the file and
streaming the file for local playback.
Strange behaviour.
Could it be that VLC does not know how to packetize such a file but does try

Regards, Philippe.

Messages Client VLC:

access_udp debug: detected TS over raw UDP

main debug: received first data for our buffer

main debug: prebuffering done 10528 bytes in 4s - 2 kbytes/s

main debug: creating demux: access='udp' demux='' path='@'

main debug: looking for demux2 module: 38 candidates

main debug: using demux2 module "ts"

ts debug: DEMUX_SET_GROUP 0 00000000

access_udp warning: unimplemented query in control

main debug: `udp://@' successfully opened

ts debug: PATCallBack called

ts debug: new PAT ts_id=12721 version=19 current_next=1

ts debug: * number=1 pid=66

ts debug: PMTCallBack called

ts debug: new PMT program number=1 version=6 pid_pcr=68

ts debug: * es pid=68 type=27 fcc=h264

main debug: selecting program id=1

main debug: looking for decoder module: 24 candidates

ffmpeg debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 4756 )

ffmpeg debug: postprocessing disabled

ffmpeg debug: ffmpeg codec (h264) started

main debug: using decoder module "ffmpeg"

main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates

main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_h264"

main debug: thread 3524 (decoder) created at priority 0

Messages Server VLC:

main debug: adding playlist item `D:\Shared Docs on
D\Highway_SD_AVC_ATEME_512kbps.mp4' ( D:\Shared Docs on
D\Highway_SD_AVC_ATEME_512kbps.mp4 )

main debug: creating new input thread

main debug: set input option: sout to

main debug: waiting for thread completion

main debug: stream=`duplicate'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

main debug: thread 4036 (input) created at priority 1

stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate'

stream_out_duplicate debug: * adding

main debug: stream=`std'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to udp

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ts

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-url to

stream_out_standard debug: creating `udp/ts://'

stream_out_standard debug: extention is 129:1234

stream_out_standard debug: extention -> mux=(null)

stream_out_standard debug: using `udp/ts://'

main debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate

main debug: looking for network module: 2 candidates

main debug: using network module "ipv4"

main debug: unlocking module "ipv4"

main debug: thread 4080 (sout write thread) created at priority 15

access_output_udp debug: udp access output opened(

main debug: using sout access module "access_output_udp"

stream_out_standard debug: access opened

main debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate

mux_ts debug: Open

mux_ts debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000

main debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts"

main debug: muxer support adding stream at any time

stream_out_standard debug: mux opened

main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"

main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_duplicate"

main warning: drive letter D: found in source

main debug: `D:\Shared Docs on D\Highway_SD_AVC_ATEME_512kbps.mp4' gives
access `' demux `' path `D:\Shared Docs on

main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='D:\Shared Docs on

main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate

main debug: creating access '' path='D:\Shared Docs on

main debug: looking for access2 module: 4 candidates

vcd debug: trying .cue file: D:\Shared Docs on

access_file debug: opening file `D:\Shared Docs on

main debug: using access2 module "access_file"

main debug: pre buffering

main debug: received first data for our buffer

main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='D:\Shared Docs on

main debug: looking for demux2 module: 38 candidates

mp4 debug: found Box: ftyp size 28

mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 496123

mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"

mp4 debug: found Box: moov size 4225

mp4 debug: found Box: mvhd size 108

mp4 debug: read box: "mvhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s time scale 1000 duration 694977d-48h:00m:00s rate
1.000000 volume 1.000000 next track id 4

mp4 debug: found Box: iods size 39

mp4 warning: unknown box type iods (uncompletetly loaded)

mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 422

mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92

mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s duration 694977d-48h:00m:01s track ID 1 layer 0 volume
0.000000 width 0.000000 height 0.000000

mp4 debug: found Box: tref size 20

mp4 debug: found Box: mpod size 12

mp4 warning: unknown box type mpod (uncompletetly loaded)

mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 302

mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32

mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s time scale 1000 duration 694977d-48h:00m:01s language

mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 33

mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" hanler type odsm name

mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 229

mp4 debug: found Box: nmhd size 12

mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36

mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28

mp4 debug: found Box: url size 12

mp4 debug: read box: "url" url: (null)

mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 173

mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 73

mp4 debug: found Box: mp4s size 57

mp4 debug: found Box: esds size 41

mp4 debug: found esds MPEG4ESDescr (25Bytes)

mp4 debug: found esds MP4DecConfigDescr (13Bytes)

mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24

mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 28

mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 20

mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 16 sample-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 20

mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 412

mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92

mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s duration 694977d-48h:00m:01s track ID 2 layer 0 volume
0.000000 width 0.000000 height 0.000000

mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 312

mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32

mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s time scale 1000 duration 694977d-48h:00m:01s language

mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 33

mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" hanler type sdsm name

mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 239

mp4 debug: found Box: nmhd size 12

mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36

mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28

mp4 debug: found Box: url size 12

mp4 debug: read box: "url" url: (null)

mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 183

mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 83

mp4 debug: found Box: mp4s size 67

mp4 debug: found Box: esds size 51

mp4 debug: found esds MPEG4ESDescr (35Bytes)

mp4 debug: found esds MP4DecConfigDescr (23Bytes)

mp4 debug: found esds MP4DecSpecificDescr (6Bytes)

mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24

mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 28

mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 20

mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 18 sample-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 20

mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: trak size 3213

mp4 debug: found Box: tkhd size 92

mp4 debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s duration 694977d-50h:08m:20s track ID 3 layer 0 volume
0.000000 width 1024.000000 height 576.000000

mp4 debug: found Box: mdia size 3113

mp4 debug: found Box: mdhd size 32

mp4 debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 732081d-39h:24m:32s modification
732081d-39h:24m:32s time scale 30000 duration 694979d-52h:10m:00s language

mp4 debug: found Box: hdlr size 42

mp4 debug: read box: "hdlr" hanler type vide name AVC video

mp4 debug: found Box: minf size 3031

mp4 debug: found Box: vmhd size 20

mp4 debug: read box: "vmhd" graphics-mode 0 opcolor (0, 0, 0)

mp4 debug: found Box: dinf size 36

mp4 debug: found Box: dref size 28

mp4 debug: found Box: url size 12

mp4 debug: read box: "url" url: (null)

mp4 debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stbl size 2967

mp4 debug: found Box: stsd size 167

mp4 debug: found Box: avc1 size 151

mp4 debug: found Box: avcC size 45

mp4 debug: read box: "avcC" version=1 profile=0x4d level=0x28 lengh size=4
sps=1 pps=1

mp4 debug: - sps[0] length=22

mp4 debug: - pps[0] length=4

mp4 debug: found Box: btrt size 20

mp4 warning: unknown box type btrt (uncompletetly loaded)

mp4 debug: read box: "vide" in stsd 1024x576 depth 24

mp4 debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stts size 24

mp4 debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: stsc size 40

mp4 debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 2

mp4 debug: found Box: stsz size 944

mp4 debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 0 sample-count 231

mp4 debug: found Box: stco size 36

mp4 debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 5

mp4 debug: found Box: stss size 20

mp4 debug: read box: "stss" entry-count 1

mp4 debug: found Box: ctts size 1728

mp4 debug: read box: "ctts" entry-count 214

mp4 debug: found Box: udta size 23

mp4 debug: found Box: ndrm size 15

mp4 warning: unknown box type ndrm (uncompletetly loaded)

mp4 debug: dumping root Box "root"

mp4 debug: | + ftyp size 28

mp4 debug: | + mdat size 496123

mp4 debug: | + moov size 4225

mp4 debug: | | + mvhd size 108

mp4 debug: | | + iods size 39

mp4 debug: | | + trak size 422

mp4 debug: | | | + tkhd size 92

mp4 debug: | | | + tref size 20

mp4 debug: | | | | + mpod size 12

mp4 debug: | | | + mdia size 302

mp4 debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32

mp4 debug: | | | | + hdlr size 33

mp4 debug: | | | | + minf size 229

mp4 debug: | | | | | + nmhd size 12

mp4 debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + url size 12

mp4 debug: | | | | | + stbl size 173

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 73

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + mp4s size 57

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + esds size 41

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 28

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 20

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stco size 20

mp4 debug: | | + trak size 412

mp4 debug: | | | + tkhd size 92

mp4 debug: | | | + mdia size 312

mp4 debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32

mp4 debug: | | | | + hdlr size 33

mp4 debug: | | | | + minf size 239

mp4 debug: | | | | | + nmhd size 12

mp4 debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + url size 12

mp4 debug: | | | | | + stbl size 183

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 83

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + mp4s size 67

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + esds size 51

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 28

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 20

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stco size 20

mp4 debug: | | + trak size 3213

mp4 debug: | | | + tkhd size 92

mp4 debug: | | | + mdia size 3113

mp4 debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32

mp4 debug: | | | | + hdlr size 42

mp4 debug: | | | | + minf size 3031

mp4 debug: | | | | | + vmhd size 20

mp4 debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + url size 12

mp4 debug: | | | | | + stbl size 2967

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 167

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | + avc1 size 151

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + avcC size 45

mp4 debug: | | | | | | | | + btrt size 20

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 40

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 944

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stco size 36

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + stss size 20

mp4 debug: | | | | | | + ctts size 1728

mp4 debug: | | + udta size 23

mp4 debug: | | | + ndrm size 15

mp4 debug: unrecognized major file specification (avc1).

mp4 debug: find 3 tracks

mp4 debug: ignoring track[Id 0x1]

mp4 debug: ignoring track[Id 0x2]

mp4 debug: track[Id 0x3] read 5 chunk

mp4 warning: CTTS table

mp4 debug: track[Id 0x3] read 231 samples length:7s

main debug: selecting program id=0

mp4 debug: adding track[Id 0x3] video (enable) language eng

main debug: using demux2 module "mp4"

mp4 warning: DEMUX_GET_FPS unimplemented !!

main debug: looking for a subtitle file in D:\Shared Docs on D\

main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates

packetizer_h264 debug: found NAL_SPS

packetizer_h264 debug: found NAL_PPS

packetizer_h264 debug: avcC length size=4 sps=1 pps=1

main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_h264"

main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread

main debug: starting in synch mode

main debug: `D:\Shared Docs on D\Highway_SD_AVC_ATEME_512kbps.mp4'
successfully opened

mp4 debug: track[Id 0x3] using Sync Sample Box (stss)

mp4 debug: stts gives 0 --> 0 (sample number)

main debug: adding a new input

stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=h264 (es=0

main debug: adding a new input

mux_ts debug: adding input codec=h264 pid=68

mux_ts debug: - lang=eng

message warning: message queue overflowed

main debug: EOF reached

main debug: closing input

mp4 debug: freeing all memory

main debug: unlocking module "mp4"

main debug: unlocking module "access_file"

main debug: unlocking module "packetizer_h264"

main debug: killing decoder fourcc `avc1', 0 PES in FIFO

main debug: removing an input

mux_ts debug: removing input pid=68

mux_ts debug: new PCR PID is 8191

main warning: no more input stream for this mux

main warning: destroying sout

main debug: destroying chain... (name=duplicate)

stream_out_duplicate debug: closing a duplication

main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)

mux_ts debug: Close

main debug: unlocking module "mux_ts"

main debug: thread times: real 0m7.640625s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user

main debug: thread 4080 joined (udp.c:325)

access_output_udp debug: udp access output closed

main debug: unlocking module "access_output_udp"

main debug: unlocking module "stream_out_standard"

main debug: destroying chain done

main debug: unlocking module "stream_out_duplicate"

main debug: destroying chain done

main debug: thread times: real 0m7.640625s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user

main debug: thread 4036 joined (src/input/input.c:386)

main: nothing to play

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