[vlc] PTS problem and memory leak

Rick Davis rickdavisjr at comcast.net
Thu Jan 6 12:47:13 CET 2005

	I have been tracking down my memory leak and I found that in
aout_FiltersPlay in src/audio_output/filters.c it was calling
aout_BufferAlloc. For some reason, the i_alloc_type was not set to
AOUT_ALLOC_HEAP so the memory allocated was not being freed when
aout_BufferFree was called. I added a line of code in filters.c to force
i_alloc_type to AOUT_ALLOC_HEAP and my big leak went away.

	I still have a small leak where memory utilization goes up in 4K
chunks, which is probably the heap chunk size, every so many minutes.

	There is also still a leak when I stop VLC. The amount of memory
available doesn't match the amount of memory available before playing.

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