[vlc] Memory leak

Rick Davis rickdavisjr at comcast.net
Mon Jan 10 16:23:22 CET 2005


	I am trying to find the memory leak and noticed that memory is
allocated to the p_libvlc object during startup but never freed. The
p_libvlc object is never destroyed. If I add code to destroy p_libvlc in
VLC_Destroy, it crashes if I was watching a video. If I enter an IP address
that isn't valid, i.e. I am watching but no feed, destroying p_libvlc seems
to work.

	I am using vlc_0.7.1, but it looks like vlc_0.8.0 doesn't destroy
p_libvlc either.

	Should p_libvlc be destroyed or is there another way to clean it up?

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