[vlc] VLC and Windows CE

Rick Davis rickdavisjr at comcast.net
Wed Jan 12 13:36:42 CET 2005

I am tracking down memory leaks in VLC 0.7.1 running on Windows CE and have
found the following

In src/misc/messages.c, I had to add a call to FlushMsg(p_bank) at the end
of the QueueMsg function to prevent a memory leak. Memory was being
allocated for psz_msg and psz_module, but for some reason FlushMsg was never
called to release the memory.
    PrintMsg( p_this, p_item );

    if( p_bank->b_overflow )
        free( p_item->psz_module );
        free( p_item->psz_msg );
    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_bank->lock );

    PrintMsg( p_this, p_item );

    if( p_bank->b_overflow )
        free( p_item->psz_module );
        free( p_item->psz_msg );
	FlushMsg (p_bank);

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_bank->lock );

I am also having problems with module_EndBank. In the original port, all
calls to this were commented out which was causing a large memory leak. When
I add it back, it releases memory properly and everything appears to be OK.
How ever, for some reason, when my ocx returns to the caller, it crashes.
Any ideas?

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