[vlc] Peformance of x86 vs x86-64

Robert Osfield robert at openscenegraph.com
Mon Jan 24 15:21:46 CET 2005

Before any questions, I'd first of all I'd like thank the VideoLan developers 
from VLC, successufully pulling together so many different elements that make 
VLC is no small feat :-)

I am currently evaluating libVLC as a means for reading video for real-time 
graphics applications.  To do it I'm planning to write a plugin for the 
OpenSceneGraph which is an OpenGL/C++ open source graphics toolkit.

Peformance wise I would like run multiple videos at once, ideal 4 or more 
1280x720x25Hz movies - this is obvioulsy a stress test, and I'm not sure how 
easy this will be to achieve yet.

One area that I'm curious about is how much impact choice of instruction set 
makes to the various codecs.  The testing platform I'm currnetly using is a 
Althon64 system, currently with Sues9.1 32bit installed, I will obtain 
benchmarks for this, but I'm very curious about how much impact installing 
64bit linux will make.  

So have others tested out peformance differences between x86 and x86-64 
builds?  Is it worth my spending the time installing 64bit linux?

Thanks in advance,

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