[vlc] Re: STB compatible with VLC and MPEG4

Peter Maersk-Moller peter at maersk-moller.net
Thu Jan 27 10:28:51 CET 2005

Hi Måns

Måns Rullgård wrote:
> Peter Maersk-Moller <peter at maersk-moller.net> writes:
>>Almost all (if not all) solutions based on Sigma Designs 84xx, 85xx
>>and 86xx are flawed failing to implement MPEG-4 part 2 Pixel Aspect
>>Ratio (PAR) in Video Object Layer (VOL) correctly. Rumour has it, that
>>some are planning to fix this in firmware though nobody has been able
>>to demonstrate this yet.
> This is interesting, do you have a pointer to more information on the
> issue?

Do you mean "PAR", or "VOL" or "Rumours" ?

>>Another questions. Ignoring your website does not mention MPEG-4
>>(yet), then I noticed that it stipulates support for 'RTSP
>>(VoD)'. Does it also supports 'RTSP Live' ? The difference is that
>>while RTSP VoD does audio/video sync based on RTP timestamps, then
>>RTSP Live has to sync based on RTCP (not RTSP) messages. Can your box
>>do that ?
> Speaking as an Amino 103/110 user, it appears to me that these models
> so A/V sync based on PTS values in the MPEG-TS stream, using the audio
> stream as reference.  Do the 120/130 models behave similarly?

Right, but that would probably be when you play a MPEG-2 TS multicasted
in UDP and as such not RTSP.

Can it also play MPEG-2 TS in RTP in multicasted UDP as the output
of dvbstream (if you are familiar with that program) ? I believe it
is described in RFC2250, though I haven't checked recently.

BTW, can VLC play MPEG-2 TS in RTP in multicasted UDP. I seem to be
unable to make it work. Maybe because VLC require a MPEG-2 TS
to be in a UDP packet rather than being wrapped in a RTP packet in
a UDP packet... or does it ? Anybody who knows ?

Is there a tool that will take MPEG-2 TS in RTP in multicasted UDP
and re-multicast it as MPEG-2 TS in UDP according to 133818-1 ?
And does anyone have a copy of 133818-1 I can borrow ?

Kind regards


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