[vlc] distribution authorization VLC

BEZY , Emmanuel emmanuel.bezy at futurenet.fr
Mon Jun 6 10:00:37 CEST 2005



My name is Emmanuel Bezy, i'm journalist at Future France, a french 



i am in charge of software multimedia selection and testing at 

future france, having tested VLC recently, i would like to 

have it included in our next monthly free cover CD provided with our 

magazine. I would like to get a written permission from yourself to do so.


Please reply ASAP via e-mail (at emmanuel.bezy at futurenet.fr) or fax 

(at (33) 1 41 27 64 85 using the form below) which enables us to include

software in our next issues.



I, (name) ..........., representing (company) .........., as 

..... (title) hereby authorize Future France to include VLC in 

the cover CD/DVD distributed with Joystick, PC Jeux, as well as future
update and future  

magazines and declare to be the author of the above software.


Date :

Signed :


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