[vlc] Re: different H.264 codecs support

Måns Rullgård mru at inprovide.com
Wed Mar 2 13:10:28 CET 2005

"Philippe De Neve" <Philippe.deneve at intec.ugent.be> writes:

> Hi guys,
> Correct me if I am wrong.
> I've read that VideoLan  supports the H.264 codec thru the use of the x264
> codec (which is still in beta version) as used in the ffmpeg and mpeg4ip
> project.

To clarify, VLC uses x264 for H.264 encoding and ffmpeg for decoding.

> Different H.264 commercial codecs have been developped recently:
> * Ateme (which is reported by doom9 to be very good)
> * mpegable
> * Sorenson
> * VideoSoft
> * Fraunhofer
> * Moonlight (=cyberlink)

The Moonlight decoder is quite fast.  I haven't tried the encoder.

> * Mainconcept

I tried a demo from Mainconcept about half a year ago, and it was
incredibly slow.  This might of course have improved by now.

> * Envivio 4coder
> My question is if anybody has had any experience with the
> interoperability between these codecs and the x264 codec used by
> videolan? Otherwise stated: which codec can be decoded (and
> displayed) by videolan?

I know H.264 encoded by x264 can be decoded by the Moonlight decoder.
I haven't tried the other decoders.  There are still some advanced
features that the ffmpeg decoder doesn't support, but the basic stuff
should all be there and compatible with any encoder.

Måns Rullgård
mru at inprovide.com

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