[vlc] xvideo scaled incorrectly on 16:9 monitor

Don Mahurin dmahurin at dma.org
Thu Nov 10 06:34:08 CET 2005

I have a 16:9 monitor, using a 16:9 resolution (1280x720) , and for some 
reason vlc+xvideo is scaling the image such that it occupies the top 
2/3(?) of the window, with the bottom 1/3 black.
I am guessing that something is wrongly assuming a monitor aspect ratio 
of 4:3, so it scales the video vertically.

It works with X11, just not with Xvideo.

I didn't see any solutions to this online.

I tried --aspect-ration and --monitor-par. Neither helped.

 From xdpyinfo
  dimensions:    1280x720 pixels (613x345 millimeters)
  resolution:    53x53 dots per inch

Hardware:  Mac Mini/PPC ATI Radeon
OS: Fedora Core 4
VLC Version: 0.8.2 or 0.8.4test

Any ideas?

Is the VLC code determining the scale factors or something else.


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