[vlc] Streaming DVB Programs using a vlm config file

Michael Ditum mrskensington at gmail.com
Wed Sep 7 12:15:32 CEST 2005

I've managed to set up streaming of a list of programs from a dvb
stream by specifying it all on the command line.

for example...

/usr/local/bin/vlc -vvv --color --ts-es-id-pid --ttl 1 --programs
8711,8731,8733,8755,8764 dvb: --dvb-adapter=1 --dvb-frequency=12092000
--dvb-voltage=18 --dvb-budget-mode --dvb-srate=27500000 --sout

as you can see that quite a long command line. I was thinking of
trying to set up a vlm config file to contain all the configuration.
However I can't find any specific information on this. I've managed to
stream mpeg files but am confused on the syntax.

I'm trying to start just getting one program to stream so I started
with the following...

new channel0 broadcast enabled
setup channel0 input dvb: --dvb-adapter=1 --dvb-frequency=12092000
--dvb-voltage=18 --dvb-budget-mode --dvb-srate=27500000
setup channel0 output

control channel0 play

and i start it with vlc -vvvvv --color -I telnet --vlm-conf
Channels.vlm --programs 8711

but it doesn't work the only messages I get say...

[00000212] main interface debug: loading vlm conf ...
[00000212] main interface debug: load Channels.vlm
[00000212] main interface warning: error while loading the vlm conf file
[00000212] telnet interface: Using the VLM interface plugin...

which isn't hugely helpful...

Is there any extra documentation on vlm anywhere? I've looked at
Chapter 5 of the VLC Streaming Guide but it doesn't mention dvb...

Does anyone know how to stream dvb channels using a vlm config file?
Specifically streaming multiple programs.

Thanks alot for all your help...


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