September 2005 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Sep 1 03:49:19 CEST 2005
Ending: Fri Sep 30 21:30:17 CEST 2005
Messages: 171
- [vlc] The question about VLC player
Ayaz Ahmadov
- [vlc] Re: How to play simple @ L1 MPEG4ES?
Laurent Aimar
- [vlc] Re: DVB + subtitle separation
Sigmund Augdal
- [vlc] Re: msvc compile fixes
Gildas Bazin
- [vlc] Re: Question: Can I use VLC to do this?
George Bray
- [vlc] Re: mistake in doc for command line dvd
Antoine Cellerier
- [vlc] Re: VLC source code query
Antoine Cellerier
- [vlc] Re: how can I save video frame(s) as BMP or jpeg etc...?
Antoine Cellerier
- [vlc] Re: Non-graphical interface.
Antoine Cellerier
- [vlc] VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release
Antoine Cellerier
- [vlc] How is H.264 indicated?
Chhaya, Harshal
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Chhaya, Harshal
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Chhaya, Harshal
- [vlc] Re: Problem playing .trp file
Chhaya, Harshal
- [vlc] Media box working with VLC, and where to buy them ?
Aurélien (Absolom Design)
- [vlc] Streaming DVB Programs using a vlm config file
Michael Ditum
- [vlc] Re: Streaming DVB Programs using a vlm config file
Michael Ditum
- [vlc] Help with VLM and webcam
Jim Duda
- [vlc] Re: Help with VLM and webcam
Jim Duda
- [vlc] [PATCHES] .. sort by Album, and Meta-info decoding for Speex
Pierre Marc Dumuid
- [vlc] Problem playing a MPEG-2 Transport Stream file
Ross Finlayson
- [vlc] Re: Problem playing a MPEG-2 Transport Stream file
Ross Finlayson
- [vlc] Re: User Authentication.
Ross Finlayson
- [vlc] Re: [vlc-devel] VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release
Ross Finlayson
- [vlc] CI on Haupapauge Nexux-S
Gregor Fuis
- [vlc] CAM stops working on DVB Nexus-S card
Gregor Fuis
- [vlc] Re: "bug": mistake in german menu translation (os x, 0.82)
Sebastian P. Goetze
- [vlc] Re: Accessability problem.
Derk-Jan Hartman
- [vlc] Re: last part of clips cut off when streaming?
Derk-Jan Hartman
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Luis Fernando Heckler
- [vlc] VLC and Freevo
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] [OT] RTSP playing using mplayer
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] Re: [streaming] [OT] RTSP playing using mplayer
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] Possible to do VOD using HTTP streaming?
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] VLC tarball and fotunes.txt
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] VLC and Mozilla Plugins
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Mozilla Plugins
Ow Mun Heng
- [vlc] Re: Can't run vlc 0.8.2
Greg Hosler
- [vlc] Question: Can I use VLC to do this?
Terry Jackson
- [vlc] Can't run vlc 0.8.2
Howard Johnson
- [vlc] Re: Can't run vlc 0.8.2
Howard Johnson
- [vlc] problem with --rc-show-pos parameter
Panayotis Katsaloulis
- [vlc] Re: Problems installing VLC
Felix Kühne
- [vlc] Re: VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release
Felix Kühne
- [vlc] problem
Michael van Laake
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Jonas A. Larsen
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Jonas A. Larsen
- [vlc] Re: problems with VLC 0.8.2
Jonas A. Larsen
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
Jonas A. Larsen
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Windows CE
Jonas A. Larsen
- [vlc] Stream thinning and VLC
johnny Laura
- [vlc] VLM and vod
johnny Laura
- [vlc] VOD+transcode
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
johnny Laura
- [vlc] VLC and VOD
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Video System
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Mozilla Plugins
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
johnny Laura
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Mozilla Plugins
johnny Laura
- [vlc] vlc fail in streaming to DVB-C Settop box
Qiu Lihua
- [vlc] How to play simple @ L1 MPEG4ES?
Brian Litzinger
- [vlc] Re: How to play simple @ L1 MPEG4ES?
Brian Litzinger
- [vlc] mozilla plugin
Marcelo Manzato
- [vlc] Re: mozilla plugin
Marcelo Manzato
- [vlc] Re: mozilla plugin
Marcelo Manzato
- [vlc] Re: rc-host control interface?
Mark Moriarty
- [vlc] Re: "bug": mistake in german menu translation (os x, 0.82)
Marco Munderloh
- [vlc] Re: [PATCHES] .. sort by Album, and Meta-info decoding for Speex
Christophe Mutricy
- [vlc] Re: Accessability problem.
Christophe Mutricy
- [vlc] WM9
Philippe De Neve
- [vlc] codecs
Philippe De Neve
- [vlc] Accessability problem.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] Re: Accessability problem.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] Non-graphical interface.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] Re: Non-graphical interface.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] switching soundcards.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] VLC and Accessibility for Blind Users.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Accessibility for Blind Users.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] VLC Media Player and ACCESS issues.
Jim Noseworthy
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Mozilla Plugins
Pierre-Hugues PERET
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Mozilla Plugins
Pierre-Hugues PERET
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Mozilla Plugins
Pierre-Hugues PERET
- [vlc] Video Inverted
Tawia Pachuau
- [vlc] User Authentication.
Gopal Parivallal-A20301
- [vlc] Re: VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release
PERET Pierre-Hugues
- [vlc] Re: newbie theorical question
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: Help with VLM and webcam
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: Streaming DVB Programs using a vlm config file
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: Help about slaves
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: He-Acc
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: User Authentication.
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: (no subject)
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: switching soundcards.
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: problem with --rc-show-pos parameter
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: VLM and vod
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: select which PIDs in a TS to stream?
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: 6 channel with alsa
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: problem
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: [vlc-devel] VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: codecs
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: 6 channel with alsa
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: 6 channel with alsa
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] Re: 6 channel with alsa
Benjamin Pracht
- [vlc] VLC and Windows CE
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Windows CE
- [vlc] VLC 0.8.4 under Windows CE
- [vlc] Re: [streaming] Re: VLS DVB Streaming
Paul Rae
- [vlc] VLC Streaming
Paul Rae
- [vlc] Re: last part of clips cut off when streaming?
Paul Rae
- [vlc] DVB + subtitle separation
Mikko Rauhala
- [vlc] Black screen at certain resolutions
Martin Richtarsky
- [vlc] msvc compile fixes
Brian Robb
- [vlc] mistake in doc for command line dvd
Brian Robb
- [vlc] Re: mistake in doc for command line dvd
Brian Robb
- [vlc] Re: streaming problems using rtsp & videolan client0.8.2on FC4
David Robie
- [vlc] problems with VLC 0.8.2
Pino e Roby
- [vlc] I can ´t see the video stream over multicast
Damian R Rodriguez
- [vlc] Streaming using Multicast SSM
Damian R Rodriguez
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Måns Rullgård
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Måns Rullgård
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Måns Rullgård
- [vlc] Re: Problem playing a MPEG-2 Transport Stream file
Måns Rullgård
- [vlc] Re: Problem playing a MPEG-2 Transport Stream file
Måns Rullgård
- [vlc] Re: svn, x264 help
Måns Rullgård
- [vlc] Re: Possible to do VOD using HTTP streaming?
Nico Sabbi
- [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Jean-Paul Saman
- [vlc] Re: Can't run vlc 0.8.2
Jean-Paul Saman
- [vlc] Re: last part of clips cut off when streaming?
Jean-Paul Saman
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Accessibility for Blind Users.
Jean-Paul Saman
- [vlc] "bug": mistake in german menu translation (os x, 0.82)
Valentin Spirik
- [vlc] Re: Is VLC Java embeddable ?
Clément Stenac
- [vlc] 6 channel with alsa
Sameer Thahir
- [vlc] Re: 6 channel with alsa
Sameer Thahir
- [vlc] Re: 6 channel with alsa
Sameer Thahir
- [vlc] (no subject)
Angelo Tornese
- [vlc] Re: mozilla plugin
Keir Vaughan-Taylor
- [vlc] Re: mozilla plugin
Keir Vaughan-Taylor
- [vlc] Getting rid of unneeded elementary streams?
Josef Wolf
- [vlc] Re: He-Acc
- [vlc] Re: He-Acc
- [vlc] [stas <stas at>] WinCE compilation
System administration
- [vlc] ["M. Crile" <mcrile at>] New Skin
System administration
- [vlc] [Darren Gaye <darren.gaye at>] Problems installing VLC
System administration
- [vlc] svn, x264 help
- [vlc] Re: (no subject)
like a cat
- [vlc] Report this to the vlc lists.
- [vlc] no audio by videos
- [vlc] VLC gestern entdeckt: wundervoll - aber mit irgendeinem Feature (Konfigurations- oder Handhabungsfehler, so hoffe ich ) komme ich nicht zurecht:
Johannes Rasche gmx
- [vlc] Re: [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Teetrinker at
- [vlc] Re: [vlc] Re: How is H.264 indicated?
Teetrinker at
- [vlc] Re: streaming problems using rtsp & videolan client0.8.2on FC4
rakesh js
- [vlc] Re: streaming problems using rtsp & videolan client0.8.2on FC4
rakesh js
- [vlc] VLC source code query
rakesh js
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Windows CE
rakesh js
- [vlc] Re: VLC and Windows CE
rakesh js
- [vlc] how can I save video frame(s) as BMP or jpeg etc...?
- [vlc] rc-host control interface?
jmzorko at
- [vlc] last part of clips cut off when streaming?
jmzorko at
- [vlc] Re: last part of clips cut off when streaming?
jmzorko at
- [vlc] Re: last part of clips cut off when streaming?
jmzorko at
- [vlc] Re: last part of clips cut off when streaming?
jmzorko at
- [vlc] select which PIDs in a TS to stream?
jmzorko at
- [vlc] Help about slaves
- [vlc] Is VLC Java embeddable ?
- [vlc] running vlc in chroot
anton at
- [vlc] Re: running vlc in chroot
anton at
- [vlc] Re: The question about VLC player
Last message date:
Fri Sep 30 21:30:17 CEST 2005
Archived on: Sun Mar 29 19:53:36 CEST 2015
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).