[vlc] VLC Streaming

Paul Rae PRae at aminocom.com
Thu Sep 22 17:25:37 CEST 2005

Hi All 

I'm trying to get vlc to stream out a couple of dvb streams but am having problems.

I start VLC with:

vlc -vvv --color --ttl 12  --ts-es-id-pid --programs=4173,4237 dvb: \
--dvb-frequency=641833330 --dvb-srate=27500000 \
--sout-standard-access=udp --sout-standard-mux=ts --sout \

However it never seems to lock onto the signal:

[00000269] dvb access debug: trying to tune the frontend...
[00000269] dvb access debug: using inversion=2
[00000269] dvb access debug: using bandwidth=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: using fec=9
[00000269] dvb access debug: using fec=9
[00000269] dvb access debug: using transmission=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: using guard=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: using hierarchy=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: Opening device /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0
[00000269] dvb access debug: setting filter on PAT
[00000269] dvb access debug: Opening device /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0
[00000269] dvb access debug: DMXSetFilter: DMX_PES_OTHER for PID 0
[00000269] dvb access debug: Opening device /dev/dvb/adapter0/ca0
[00000269] dvb access error: CAMInit: opening device failed (No such file or directory)
[00000033] main module debug: using access2 module "dvb"
[00000271] main private debug: pre buffering
[00000269] dvb access debug: frontend has acquired signal
[00000269] dvb access warning: no lock, tuning again
[00000269] dvb access debug: using inversion=2
[00000269] dvb access debug: using bandwidth=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: using fec=9
[00000269] dvb access debug: using fec=9
[00000269] dvb access debug: using transmission=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: using guard=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: using hierarchy=0
[00000269] dvb access debug: frontend has acquired signal
[00000269] dvb access warning: no lock, tuning again

The card works and have tested it with other apps so all is good there. I'm assuming its a mistake I'm making with VLC. Can anyone make any suggestions?

The following was suggested, but i never got a chance to get full details, does this mean anything to anyone>

>> <Dnumgis> PaulR: did you give frequencies correct? vlc uses three more digits than most other apps


Paul Rae,                    |  Tel:    +44 (0)1954 234100
Customer Support Team Leader |  Fax:    +44 (0)1954 234101
Amino Communications Ltd,    |  
Buckingway Business Park,    |  
8A Anderson Road, Swavesey,  |  prae at aminocom.com
Cambridge, U.K. CB4 5UQ      |  http://www.aminocom.com/

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