[vlc] problem

Michael van Laake michaelbcn at lycos.com
Mon Sep 26 13:17:08 CEST 2005


I have been using VLC 0.7.2 for quite a while and am very happy with it.

Yesterday I downloaded 0.8.2 and it worked fine until I changed some of the skin settings in the options menu. Now, when I double clic on the desktop icon VLC opens - appears on screen that is - briefly and then closes down again. Both the standard player and the new skin appear.

I have tried uninstall and then install again but that didn't work.

Then I tried uninstall VLC and I cleaned the Registry with the REGCLANER program and I restarted the PC. Didn't work either. 

What can I do to fix this?
I still have the 0.7.2 version on my computer. Could that be the problem?



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