[vlc] Re: [vlc-devel] VLC media player 0.8.4-test1 beta release

Ross Finlayson finlayson at live555.com
Wed Sep 28 05:08:20 CEST 2005

At 02:42 PM 9/26/2005, Antoine Cellerier wrote:
>Dear VideoLAN users,
>The VideoLAN team is happy to announce the first beta version of VLC
>0.8.4 (Note: 0.8.3 was skipped because it's technical improvements were
>too little)
>Highlights from improvements include:


>  * Bonjour (Apple zeroconf protocol) service discovery

Can someone explain how to enable this, or (if it is enabled by 
default) how/where announced 'zeroconf' services appear in VLC?  It's 
far from obvious, and the documentation hasn't yet been updated to mention it.

(I've been working with a network camera that announces its stream 
-  as a "rtsp//" URL - using zeroconf, and it would be nice if VLC 
could find it automatically.)

	Ross Finlayson
	Live Networks, Inc. (LIVE555.COM)

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