[vlc] Re: mozilla plugin & javascript problems

harisson h.harisson at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 20:41:42 CEST 2006

Damien Fouilleul wrote:

> there has indeed been some changes in the mozilla plugin (0.8.5-test3) 
> regarding scripting; as well as supporting XP-COM (the legacy netscape 
> scripting engine), the mozilla plugin now supports the new cross 
> browser scripting engine introduced for firefox 1.0, and supported by 
> safari and most other browsers (except IE, obviously). The browser 
> should be free from using which scripting engine it wants, so in 
> theory, they should not clash. But, there has been reports just like 
> yours.
> Anyway, if you delete the vlcintf.xpt, that should disable the XP-COM.
> if you've seen those problems before 0.8.5-test3, then I cannot 
> explain them, as the mozilla code has been mostly frozen up until now.
> BTW: to solve this problem, do you need to clear the cache every time 
> you use the plugin ?, or you only need to clear it until the plugin 
> script works and, then no longer need to clear the cache ever.
I've made all my tests before the -test3 version (0.8.4a to -test1 on 
windows) and 0.85-svn (after 0.8.4 until the -svn20060301 on debian sid).

These problems appear, for example with mozilla 1.7.12 on debian sid, 
when i play a target file or stream and quit the browser without 
explicitly stopping the played element. I relaunch the browser and got 
these javascript errors.
I made some clear cache and type about:plugins in a single window (in a 
tab it seems that's not working) and these javascript errors disappear, 
i can play again these file/stream and don't need to clear the 
cache/type about:plugins again.

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