[vlc] Re: Sharing information between http interface instances.

Michel Van den Bergh michel.vandenbergh at uhasselt.be
Fri Aug 18 18:06:32 CEST 2006

Clément Stenac wrote:

>If I understand correctly, it's used directly in the HTTP interface
>scripts. This is not ideal as your clients won't notice if the playlist is
>updated by something else than by another client. For example, a services
>discovery module might add something and you will not notice it.
>A better way would have to have a "serial" variable in p_playlist, and to
>update it each time a modification is made to the playlist.
>By the way, how does the HTTP interrface currently handle playlist updates
>(don't have access to the code here) ?
Meanwhile I noticed that you are the author of the playlist code in vlc! 
So you must
understand things very well. I did a search for intf-change (in the 
object p_playlist)  and
got a nice list of files. It seems to me that indeed at these places one 
should increment the
proposed "serial" variable. Does this seem reasonable to you?


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