[vlc] running vlc on linux

Mona MATHUR mona.mathur at st.com
Fri Feb 17 06:57:02 CET 2006

Hi !!

    I have been trying to install vlc on a linux machine running Redhat
Linux 2.4.0 Enterpise version. 
The source code downloaded from videolan site for vlc version 0.8.4a was
compiled with ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1 and gcc version 4.0.2. VLC was compiled
sucessfully. But when I run vlc by the comand
vlc -vvv video1.xyz

It simply displays a blue screen but no movie is shown or sound is heard.
Also the vlc menu is not seen as can be seen on a windows PC running

Can anyone tell me why??

thanks and regards
mona mathur

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