[vlc] Trouble Streaming video between 2 laptops

Longwood, Benjamin R blongwood at alionscience.com
Wed Jun 7 19:38:20 CEST 2006

VLC   Version 0.8.5

I have 2 laptops networked to a Linksys HUB.  LaptopA =
LaptopB =

I can ping either laptop as well as itself.


I have a Creative WebCam Live:Ultra attached to LaptopB and I can see
that it is providing video to the display of LaptopB.


On LaptopB I invoke File--> Open--> Capture A Video Device

Checked    PLAY LACAL

            Settings:   HTTP =


On LaptopA I invoke File--> Open--> Network Streaming

            Settings:   HTTP =


This results in the following error message:      "Audio Drift is to big
for buffer."

I also get bad audio feedback on the speaker of LaptopB


This error prevents me from seeing the broadcast from LaptopB on

How do I correct this?




Messages from the VLC server

main debug: adding playlist item `dshow://' ( dshow:// )

main debug: control type=0

main debug: control: stopping input

main debug: closing input

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Pause

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Pause

main debug: audio output is starving (62849), playing silence

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Stop

dshow debug: CapturePin::EndFlush

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Stop

dshow debug: CapturePin::EndFlush

dshow debug: releasing DirectShow

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]

dshow debug: CapturePin::Disconnect [OK]

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::SetSyncSource

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::JoinFilterGraph

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::GetState 0

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::~CaptureFilter

dshow debug: CapturePin::~CapturePin

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]

dshow debug: CapturePin::Disconnect [OK]

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::SetSyncSource

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::JoinFilterGraph

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::GetState 0

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::~CaptureFilter

dshow debug: CapturePin::~CapturePin

main debug: removing module "dshow"

main debug: removing module "rawvideo"

main debug: thread times: real 6m11.043534s, kernel 0m0.721036s, user

main debug: thread 6556 joined (input/decoder.c:191)

main debug: killing decoder fourcc `I420', 0 PES in FIFO

main debug: removing an input

main debug: removing module "rawvideo"

main debug: thread times: real 6m10.552828s, kernel 0m0.100144s, user

main debug: thread 6364 joined (input/decoder.c:191)

main debug: killing decoder fourcc `I420', 0 PES in FIFO

main debug: removing module "packetizer_copy"

main debug: thread times: real 6m11.033520s, kernel 0m0.030043s, user

main debug: thread 5324 joined (input/decoder.c:191)

main debug: killing decoder fourcc `araw', 0 PES in FIFO

main debug: removing an input

main debug: removing module "araw"

main debug: thread times: real 6m10.733088s, kernel 0m0.791137s, user

main debug: thread 5044 joined (input/decoder.c:191)

main debug: killing decoder fourcc `s16l', 0 PES in FIFO

main debug: removing module "s16tofloat32"

main debug: removing module "bandlimited_resampler"

aout_directx debug: closing audio device

aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread exiting

main debug: thread times: real 6m10.733088s, kernel 0m0.160230s, user

main debug: thread 5664 joined (directx.c:598)

main debug: removing module "aout_directx"

main debug: removing module "float32tos16"

main debug: removing module "float32_mixer"

main debug: destroying sout

main debug: destroying chain... (name=duplicate)

stream_out_duplicate debug: closing a duplication

main debug: destroying chain... (name=display)

main debug: removing module "stream_out_display"

main debug: destroying chain done

main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)

main debug: removing module "mux_ts"

main debug: thread times: real 6m13.937696s, kernel 0m0.030043s, user

main debug: thread 3876 joined (network/httpd.c:1132)

main debug: HTTP host removed

main debug: no host left, stopping httpd

access_output_http debug: Close

main debug: removing module "access_output_http"

main debug: removing module "stream_out_standard"

main debug: destroying chain done

main debug: removing module "stream_out_duplicate"

main debug: destroying chain done

main debug: thread times: real 6m14.027825s, kernel 0m1.151656s, user

main debug: thread 5236 joined (input/input.c:399)

main warning: refcount is 1, delaying before deletion (id=1082,type=-7)

main debug: creating new input thread

main debug: waiting for thread completion

main debug: thread 5236 (input) created at priority 1

main debug: stream=`duplicate'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate'

stream_out_duplicate debug:  * adding `display'

main debug: stream=`display'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_display"

stream_out_duplicate debug:  * adding

main debug: stream=`std'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to http

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ts

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-dst to

stream_out_standard debug: creating `http/ts://'

stream_out_standard debug: extension is 4:5004

stream_out_standard debug: extension -> mux=(null)

stream_out_standard debug: using `http/ts://'

main debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate

main: creating httpd

main debug: net: listening to port 5004

main debug: thread 5632 (httpd host thread) created at priority 0

main debug: using sout access module "access_output_http"

stream_out_standard debug: access opened

main debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate

mux_ts debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000

main debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts"

main debug: muxer support adding stream at any time

stream_out_standard debug: mux opened

main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"

main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_duplicate"

main debug: `dshow://' gives access `dshow' demux `' path `'

main debug: creating demux: access='dshow' demux='' path=''

main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate

dshow debug: found device: Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX

dshow debug: found device: Creative WebCam Live! Ultra (VFW)

dshow debug: using device: Logitech QuickCam Communicate STX

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: Capture

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: Still

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: trying pin Capture

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin default format configured

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts chroma: I420, width:640,
height:480, fps:15.000015

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::JoinFilterGraph

dshow debug: connecting filters

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [not connected]

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::QueryFilterInfo

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [OK] (width=640, height=480,

dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [OK]

dshow debug: CapturePin::NotifyAllocator

dshow debug: filters connected successfully !

dshow debug: MEDIATYPE_Video

dshow debug: selected video pin accepts format: I420

dshow debug: found device: Logitech Mic (Communicate STX)

dshow debug: found device: Intel(r) Integrated Audio

dshow debug: using device: Logitech Mic (Communicate STX)

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: Capture

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Microphone

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: trying pin Capture

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin default format configured

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:32000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:32000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:8

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:48000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:48000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2,
samples/sec:96000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1,
samples/sec:96000 bits/sample:16

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::JoinFilterGraph

dshow debug: connecting filters

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [not connected]

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::QueryFilterInfo

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [OK] (channels=2,
samples/sec=44100, bits/samples=16, format=araw)

dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [OK]

dshow debug: CapturePin::NotifyAllocator

dshow debug: filters connected successfully !

dshow debug: MEDIATYPE_Audio

dshow debug: selected audio pin accepts format: araw

dshow debug: Playing...

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins

dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection

dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::SetSyncSource

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::SetSyncSource

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Pause

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Pause

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Run

dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Run

main debug: selecting program id=0

main debug: using access_demux module "dshow"

main debug: forced subtitle: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
Documents\My Pictures\My Logitech Pictures\Pictures and

main warning: drive letter C: found in source

main debug: `C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My
Pictures\My Logitech Pictures\Pictures and Videos\FishTank.avi' gives
access `' demux `' path `C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
Documents\My Pictures\My Logitech Pictures\Pictures and

main debug: creating access '' path='C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\My Logitech
Pictures\Pictures and Videos\FishTank.avi'

main debug: looking for access2 module: 5 candidates

vcd debug: trying .cue file: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My
Documents\My Pictures\My Logitech Pictures\Pictures and

access_file debug: opening file `C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\My Logitech
Pictures\Pictures and Videos\FishTank.avi'

main debug: using access2 module "access_file"

main debug: pre-buffering...

main debug: received first data for our buffer

main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='subtitle'
path='C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My
Pictures\My Logitech Pictures\Pictures and Videos\FishTank.avi'

main debug: looking for demux2 module: 2 candidates

vobsub debug: this doesn't seem to be a vobsub file

main error: option sub-original-fps does not exist

subtitle debug: autodetecting subtitle format

subtitle error: failed to recognize subtitle type

main warning: no demux2 module matching "subtitle" could be loaded

main error: no suitable demux module for `/subtitle://C:\Documents and
Settings\Administrator\My Documents\My Pictures\My Logitech
Pictures\Pictures and Videos\FishTank.avi'

main debug: removing module "access_file"

main debug: looking for a subtitle file in C:\VLC\

main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates

main debug: using packetizer module "rawvideo"

main debug: thread 6356 (decoder) created at priority 0

main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates

main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_copy"

main debug: thread 6416 (decoder) created at priority 2

main debug: starting in synch mode

main debug: `dshow://' successfully opened

packetizer_copy debug: need dts > 0

main debug: adding a new input

stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=s16l (es=1

main debug: looking for decoder module: 27 candidates

araw debug: samplerate:44100Hz channels:2 bits/sample:16

main debug: using decoder module "araw"

main debug: thread 6540 (decoder) created at priority 2

stream_out_duplicate debug:     - added for output 0

main debug: adding a new input

mux_ts debug: adding input codec=s16l pid=68

main error: cannot add this stream

stream_out_duplicate debug:     - failed for output 1

main debug: looking for audio output module: 3 candidates

aout_directx debug: OpenAudio

aout_directx debug: found device: Primary Sound Driver

aout_directx debug: found device: Intel(r) Integrated Audio

aout_directx debug: device supports 2 channels

aout_directx debug: device supports 1 channel

aout_directx debug: creating DirectSoundThread

main debug: thread 5020 (DirectSound Notification Thread) created at
priority 15 (directx.c:372)

aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread ready

main debug: using audio output module "aout_directx"

main debug: output 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes

main debug: mixer 'fl32' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes

main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'s16l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo

main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates

main debug: using audio filter module "float32tos16"

main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion

main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates

main debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"

main debug: input 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes

main debug: filter(s) 's16l'->'fl32' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo

main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates

main debug: using audio filter module "s16tofloat32"

main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion

main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 48510 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo

main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates

main debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"

main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion

main debug: adding a new input

stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=I420 (es=0

main debug: looking for decoder module: 27 candidates

main debug: using decoder module "rawvideo"

main debug: thread 6840 (decoder) created at priority 0

stream_out_duplicate debug:     - added for output 0

main debug: adding a new input

mux_ts debug: adding input codec=I420 pid=69

main error: cannot add this stream

stream_out_duplicate debug:     - failed for output 1

main warning: buffer is 43770 late, triggering upsampling

main warning: resampling stopped after 675955 usec (drift: -30746)

main warning: buffer is 43925 late, triggering upsampling

main warning: resampling stopped after 10656612 usec (drift: -14681)

main warning: buffer is 46702 late, triggering upsampling

main warning: resampling stopped after 2381279 usec (drift: -31151)




Messages from the VLC client

main debug: creating new input thread

main debug: waiting for thread completion

main debug: thread 4640 (input) created at priority 1

main debug: stream=`duplicate'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate'

stream_out_duplicate debug:  * adding

main debug: stream=`std'

main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to http

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ts

main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-dst to

stream_out_standard debug: creating `http/ts://'

stream_out_standard debug: extension is 4:5004

stream_out_standard debug: extension -> mux=(null)

stream_out_standard debug: using `http/ts://'

main debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate

main: creating httpd

main debug: net: listening to port 5004

main error: cannot bind socket (Winsock error 10049)

main error: cannot create socket(s) for HTTP host

access_output_http error: cannot listen on

main warning: no sout access module matching "http" could be loaded

stream_out_standard error: no suitable sout access module for

main warning: no sout stream module matching "std" could be loaded

main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)

main debug: destroying chain done

stream_out_duplicate error: no destination given

main warning: no sout stream module matching "duplicate" could be loaded

main debug: destroying chain... (name=duplicate)

main debug: destroying chain done

main error: stream chain failed for

main error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting

main debug: thread times: real 0m0.190273s, kernel 0m0.030043s, user

main debug: thread 4640 joined (input/input.c:399)

main: nothing to play





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