[vlc] what can be wrong when I get this error (h263+mp3 rtsp stream)

Kim Schulz kim at schulz.dk
Fri Apr 27 17:58:15 CEST 2007

I am trying to stream some h263+mp3 via rtsp and it seems like vlc accepts the strema at first,
but then after a frame or two of data, it starts spitting out the following errors:

main debug: got 1 direct buffer(s)
main debug: picture in 352x288 (0,0,352x288), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 12:11
main debug: picture user 352x288 (0,0,352x288), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 12:11
main debug: picture out 352x288 (0,0,352x288), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 12:11
main debug: direct render, mapping render pictures 0-6 to system pictures 1-7
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 4588 (video output) created at priority 1 (video_output/video_output.c:421)
ffmpeg warning: warning: first frame is no keyframe
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 13x8
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 197
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 2x11
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 255
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg debug: concealing 396 DC, 396 AC, 396 MV errors
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 11x8
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 195
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 3x8
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 187
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 21x3
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 90
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg debug: concealing 396 DC, 396 AC, 396 MV errors
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 12x7
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 173
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: slice end not reached but screenspace end (6276 left 842545, score= -16)
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg debug: concealing 396 DC, 396 AC, 396 MV errors
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Bad picture start code
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: header damaged
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: cannot decode one frame (784 bytes)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 12x3
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 81
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: illegal ac vlc code at 16x2
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 62
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: run overflow at 10x16 i:0
 (h263 at 00C4FE20)
ffmpeg warning: Error at MB: 378

and so on for the rest of the stream. sometimes it crashes and sometimes
it actually gets the problem corrected for a frame or so and then goes back
to the errors again. 
Can anyone see what I am missing in the stream since it wont play it correctly? 


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