[vlc] Localization in 0.86

Michiel de Boer x at rebelhomicide.demon.nl
Wed Feb 14 21:33:36 CET 2007

Rémi Denis-Courmont wrote:
> Le mercredi 14 février 2007 00:08, Michiel de Boer a écrit :
>> When i download vlc for windows and install it, i choose 'English'. I
>> install onto a windows xp pro sp2 English installation. However my
>> regional settings indicate 'Dutch' so that I have correct date
>> format, euro and metric settings. To make a long story short: I
>> prefer as few localization as possible on my systems. However buried
>> inside vlc 0.86 is a setting that determines locale and defaults to
>> 'Auto'. This means it will read the windows setting for 'Regional and
>> Language Options' and switch from English to Dutch dynamically.
> The installation language refers to the INSTALLER language. VLC uses 
> gettext, and gettext gets to decide the default localization.
I wonder why the installer doesn't use gettext as well. (I know it's
Nullsoft Install System and not coded by you guys, but still)

>> Shouldn't the default for vlc be the language specified at setup
>> time?
> The overwhelming majority of users expect VLC to use their regional 
> settings.
Well, and why not, as long as it's in the right way. (I would make 'Auto' 
optional in the preferences window and not default, and make it visible without 
having to tick 'Advanced settings', but that's just my personal taste.) However 
i'll follow your design philosophy, but that still leaves something to be 
desired: The 'Regional Options' tab in the 'Regional and Language Options' 
window does not in any way indicate the language that ought to be used!

In XP, it indicates 'Standards and Formats', e.g. number, currency, time, short 
date and long date. The 'Languages' tab has a section 'Text services and input 
languages', which has a 'Details' button. Here, 'Default input language' is set 
to: "English (United States) - United States-International".

The 'Advanced' tab in 'Regional and Language Options' has another section: 
'Language for non-Unicode programs', which for me says "English (United States)"
(Just reporting that for completeness here)

In other words: gettext is reporting to you that i'm using the Dutch metric, 
currency and time system. But it apparently it either ISN'T reporting to you 
that i have set 'English' as my default language, or VLC is not using the 
regional information properly!

Regards, Michiel de Boer

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